Pope calls for respect of the dignity of all women

Pope calls for respect of the dignity of all women

Vatican news

In memory of International Women's Day on Friday, Pope Francis expressed his closeness to all women, especially those whose dignity is not respected. According to him, there is still a lot of work to be done by all institutions in this area.

By Vatican News

Addressing pilgrims and visitors during Sunday's Angelus, Pope Francis recalled that two days ago we marked International Women's Day. He wanted to express his closeness to all women in the world, especially those whose dignity is not respected.

So much remains to be done

He observed that there is still much to do by each of us to promote the equal dignity of women so that it is concretely recognized.

He recalled that social and political institutions have the fundamental duty to protect and promote the dignity of every human person, by offering women, bearers of life, the necessary living conditions so that they can accept the gift of life. and ensure their children a dignified life. existence.

Vatican news


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