South Sudan: Step by step, women of the Gospel weave peace

South Sudan: Step by step, women of the Gospel weave peace

Vatican news

It has been a year since Pope Francis' ecumenical pilgrimage to war-torn South Sudan. The process of healing and reconciliation after years of trauma is still ongoing and nuns play an important role.

By Sr Paola Moggi, SMC

South Sudan is a very young nation; she was born on July 9, 2011, after decades of civil war. By the time a peace deal was signed in January 2005, the war had displaced nearly 5 million people and killed 2.5 million, leaving a legacy of deep-rooted mistrust between rival ethnic groups.

In January 2011, the historic referendum for southern independence took place despite growing difficulties. But when the Republic of South Sudan was born amid cries of joy on July 9, the wounds of mistrust and fear were far from completely healed.

The nuns serving in this new nation were aware of this setback and were instrumental in promoting peace initiatives.

Glimmers of hope

Since 2010, the Catholic Health Training Institute (CHTI) in Wau promoted intercultural dialogue and helped students, both men and women, overcome deep-rooted prejudices.

It was established by Solidarity with South Sudan, a joint venture of religious men and women, and developed residential training for teachers and nurses and paid particular attention to food security, pastoral training and healing trauma.

The Institute's first graduation ceremony was held in 2013, and by 2022, CHTI had graduated 181 nurses and 87 trained midwives.

Sister Brygida Maniurka, Franciscan Missionary of Mary from Poland, has worked at CHTI since February 2022. “Our students come from different tribes, states, religions and speak different languages. CHTI constantly emphasizes respect for all cultures and tolerance of differences. Through various activities and exercises, we forge bonds of friendship and promote peace and unity. In addition to nursing and midwifery, our students learn the art of building relationships and working together,” Sister Brygida said.

She added that supporting students on their growth path requires many hours of dialogue, “but what joy to see their transformation after 3 years! she says.

“And our joy is even greater when we hear words of praise about them from their home community and the institution where they work,” added Sister Brigyda.

Sr. Brygida Maniurka with students of the Catholic Health Training Institute of Wau in 2023

Sr. Brygida Maniurka with students of the Catholic Health Training Institute of Wau in 2023

When pain becomes care

In Yambio, another initiative pays particular attention to traumatized women.

Sister Filomena Francis, known as Sister Bakhita, is from Nzara, a small town in Western Equatoria. She first lived in Khartoum, where nearly 5 million South Sudanese sought refuge, before moving to Egypt and joining the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (MFIC).

In 1995, before leaving for Papua New Guinea, she managed to visit her family in what is now South Sudan. By then, the area had been conquered by the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) and his family and sisters were in good health. But by 1999, sexual violence and abuse by soldiers had made their lives miserable.

The tragedy experienced by Sister Filomena's family prompted her to launch a trauma counseling and healing program. This materialized in 2006 with the organization of the Adeesa (Women) Support Group (ASGO), created by Sr. Filomena and two other women.

Women from Masia Market receive new bicycles at the Adeesa Support Group Organization (Women) (ASGO) office

Women from Masia Market receive new bicycles at the Adeesa Support Group Organization (Women) (ASGO) office

In 2013, an MFIC community was opened in the Catholic Diocese of Tambura Yambio, and Sister Filomena began training local women and men to become actively involved in the healing program.

She says she was inspired by the history of South Sudan. By 1964, all the missionaries had become eyewitnesses to the violence inflicted on civilians by the Khartoum government and were expelled without notice. Despite the situation, the Catholic Church in the region continued thanks to Sudanese bishops, a few local priests and many lay catechists.

Then, in 2016, a new outbreak of violence took over Yambio and its surroundings, causing more suffering to the population and even to Sister Filomena's family.

“My own trauma as a child led me to start this program. The pain and loss that my family and I continue to go through encourages me to serve in this program,” said Sister Filomena. “I believe that a holistic approach to healing trauma in South Sudan will lead to lasting peace and save the lives of many women, girls and young men who were raped as punishment for their ethnic group,” Sister Filomena concludes.

The first graduates of the Bible Based Trauma Healing Counseling program parade from the ASGO office to St. Mary Catholic Parish in June 2022.

The first graduates of the Bible Based Trauma Healing Counseling program parade from the ASGO office to St. Mary Catholic Parish in June 2022.

Vatican news


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