Pope mourns passing of Cardinal Cordes

Pope mourns passing of Cardinal Cordes

Vatican news

The cardinal, Pope Francis said, served “the Lord and the Church with fidelity and generosity, attentive to the needs of young people and the needs of fragile people.”

Vatican News

Pope Francis mourned the death of Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes, who died yesterday in Rome at the age of 89.

In a telegram sent to his family, the Pope remembers with affection the German cardinal, “who served the Lord and the Church with fidelity and generosity, attentive to the needs of young people and the needs of fragile people.”

The Pope remembers with gratitude the “diligent service” of Cardinal Cordes to the Holy See, “first as Vice-President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, then as President of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, where he tirelessly testified to the Pope's paternal concern for the poorest.”

Funeral in St. Peter's Basilica

The funeral of Cardinal Cordes will take place on Monday, March 18 at 3 p.m., at the Altar of the Chair of Saint Peter's Basilica.

The funeral liturgy will be celebrated by Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, dean of the College of Cardinals, in the company of cardinals, archbishops and bishops.

At the end of the Eucharistic celebration, Pope Francis will preside over the rite of final commendation and farewell.


Cardinal Cordes played an important role in writing Pope Benedict XVI's first encyclical, “Deus Caritas est,” in 2005. He was also instrumental in the creation of World Catholic Youth Day and was a key supporter of new spiritual movements. German Pope Benedict XVI included his compatriot in the College of Cardinals in 2007.

In 1995, Pope John Paul II named the cardinal president of the Pontifical Council “Cor Unum”. Cordes remained in this position until his retirement due to age in 2010. After his retirement, he participated in the March 2013 conclave, from which Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio emerged as pope.

The president of the German Bishops' Conference, Archbishop Georg Bätzing, hailed Cardinal Cordes as a tireless collaborator of the Holy See under several popes: “Paul Josef Cordes was the epitome of global coordination and support in disaster relief. of disaster. we wanted to travel. In doing so, Paul Josef Cordes drew attention to the suffering in refugee camps in Africa, human rights violations around the world and countless conflicts. For us, it is unforgettable that Mgr Cordes was the first representative of the Church to ensure reconstruction assistance after the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq.

Firmness and respect for principles, solid theological training and subtle humor distinguished Paul Josef Cordes. “He did not hesitate to intervene in the current political and theological debates of the Church and to present the Roman perspective. He remained clear in substance and authoritarian in tone,” explained Archbishop Bätzing.

With the death of Cardinal Cordes, the College of Cardinals now has 238 cardinals, of whom 129 have the right to vote.

Vatican news


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