Lord's Day Reflection: 'Transformative power of friendship'

Lord’s Day Reflection: ‘Transformative power of friendship’

Vatican news

As the Church celebrates the fifth Sunday of Lent, Jenny Kraska offers her reflections on the day's liturgical readings under the theme: “The Transformative Power of Friendship.”

By Jenny Kraska

This week's gospel story invites each of us to reflect on the nature of friendship and its importance in our own spiritual growth. The Gospel of John highlights Jesus' relationship with Lazarus, Martha, and Mary, the transformative power of true friendship, and the depth of Jesus' compassion and love for each of us.

The Gospel story begins when Jesus receives the news of Lazarus' illness. But before going to Bethany, Jesus waits two days. Many were disconcerted by his delay and began to question his motives, but these actions serve as a powerful reminder of Jesus' unwavering faith in his Father's plan. Upon his arrival in Bethany, Jesus is greeted by Martha and Mary, who are mourning the loss of their brother. Jesus is deeply moved by their suffering and cries with them: “And Jesus wept” (Jn 11:35).

This simple but profoundly profound moment when Jesus cries reveals his humanity and the depth of his sympathy for his beloved friends. His tears are a crucial reminder to each of us that he shares our pain and suffering and offers us consolation and comfort in our darkest times.

As the story continues, Jesus calls Lazarus back to life and gives the bold command to rise from the tomb in a dramatic display of his heavenly power. This miracle confirms that Jesus is the conqueror of death and foreshadows his own resurrection and the promise of eternal life for all who believe in him. “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even though he dies, will live, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.” (Jn 11:25-26). The deep affection that Jesus has for Lazarus and his sisters is a beautiful example of sincere friendship rooted in limitless love, mercy and selflessness.

Friendship is a central theme found throughout the Gospels, and the story of Lazarus is just one example of this theme in the life and ministry of Jesus. He reaches out with compassion to the oppressed, the excluded, the sinners and everyone he encounters. He shares a meal with the tax collectors, heals the sick and infirm, and restores sight to the blind. Jesus shows the transformative power of true friendship in each of these encounters by bringing hope, healing, and reconciliation to those in need.

Just as Jesus shared a deep connection with Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, we are also called to cultivate friendships based on love, virtue, and a shared commitment to Christ. As we reflect on this Gospel passage and the theme of friendship that permeates the entire ministry of Jesus, may each of us be inspired by the deep love and friendship that Jesus Christ offers us so that our lives can be transformed. As we continue our Lenten journey, may we strive to emulate His love and compassion in our relationships, fostering spiritual growth and mutual support as we journey together toward the Easter promise of eternal life with the Christ.

Vatican news


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