Pope prays for victims of terrorist attack in Moscow

Pope prays for victims of terrorist attack in Moscow

Vatican news

Pope Francis offers prayers for the victims of Friday's terrorist attack on a concert hall in the Russian capital Moscow and calls on everyone to pray for “martyred Ukraine” as the country faces heavy Russian bombing of its critical infrastructure.

By Devin Watkins

“I assure my prayers for the victims of the despicable terrorist attack perpetrated the other evening in Moscow.”

Pope Francis offered the assurance while reciting the Angelus in St. Peter's Square at the end of Palm Sunday mass.

“May the Lord welcome them in his peace and comfort their families,” he added.

The Pope also prayed that God would breathe peace into the hearts of all.

“May he convert the hearts of those who plan, organize and carry out these inhumane actions, which offend God, who has commanded: 'You shall not kill,'” he said.

Attack on the Hall of Concerns

At least four gunmen entered the Crocus City concert hall in Moscow on Friday evening, opening fire, killing at least 133 people and injuring dozens more.

The attackers also set off explosive devices which set the room on fire and left it in ruins.

A group affiliated with the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack, a claim confirmed by U.S. intelligence.

Russian authorities have arrested 11 people in connection with the terrorist attack, including four gunmen.

Prayers for “martyred Ukraine”

In his Angelus address, Pope Francis also prayed for all those suffering because of the war, especially in “martyred Ukraine.”

He said that “many people are without electricity due to intense attacks on infrastructure, which, in addition to causing death and suffering, increase the risk of an even greater humanitarian catastrophe.”

“Please,” he added, “let us not forget the martyred Ukraine, and let us also think of Gaza which is suffering enormously, as well as other places of war. »

Holy Week close to the Lord

The Pope then invited Christians to enter Holy Week by entrusting our path to Easter to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

“Let us learn from her to draw closer to Jesus in these days of Holy Week, in order to arrive at the joy of the Resurrection.”

Vatican news


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