Pope Francis writing meditations for Good Friday Way of the Cross

Pope Francis writing meditations for Good Friday Way of the Cross

Vatican news

This year, Pope Francis will write his own Via Crucis meditations for the Stations of the Cross this Good Friday at Rome's iconic Colosseum, the Vatican announces.

Deborah Castellano Lubov

Each year, for the annual tradition of the Via Crucis, presided over by Pope Francis at the Colosseum in Rome on the evening of Good Friday, different people are responsible for writing the meditations.

But this year, the Holy Father decided to write them himself, the director of the Holy See Press Office, Matteo Bruni, revealed to journalists on Tuesday.

“In prayer with Jesus on the way of the cross” is the theme of the reflections which will accompany the fourteen stations of the Colosseum.

The traditional celebration of the Stations of the Cross at the Colosseum in Rome will begin at 9:15 p.m. on Friday evening.

According to the Press Office, this gesture is “an act of meditation and spirituality”, with Jesus at the center, in the context of the Year of Prayer proclaimed by the Pope.

It will be centered, he stressed, on Christ who makes the way of the cross and allows us to walk alongside him.

“It’s all centered around what Jesus is experiencing at that moment, and it’s clear that this also extends to the theme of suffering,” with a broad but indirect reference to current events.

Vatican news


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