Pope takes time to discern appointment of new Cardinal Vicar

Pope takes time to discern appointment of new Cardinal Vicar

Vatican news

A statement released by the Communications Office of the Vicariate of Rome indicates that Pope Francis is taking the time to “make healthy discernment” before appointing the new cardinal vicar.

Vatican News

This morning, Monday April 8, a meeting of the Holy Father with the Council of Bishops of the Diocese of Rome took place at the Apostolic Palace.

Due to the delicacy of the office of Cardinal Vicar, Pope Francis informed the bishops, his close collaborators, that he would take the time to make a healthy discernment about the figure of the person he will appoint to fulfill this role. In this transitional phase, the Holy Father encouraged the bishops to continue the pastoral ministry and administrative activities that they have already begun.

As provided for in article 14 § 3 of the Apostolic Constitution In Ecclesiarum Communione concerning the organization of the Vicariate of Rome, as long as the office of Cardinal Vicar is vacant, all its functions and powers, including those of legal representation, will be exercised by the Vicegerent, Mgr. Baldassare Reina.

Vatican news


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