India: Religious superiors explore ‘heartbeat of the Church’

India: Religious superiors explore ‘heartbeat of the Church’

Vatican news

More than 100 superiors of Catholic religious institutions are meeting in Kerala to explore ways to lead their congregations and better serve the Church in India.

By Don Jinu Jacob

The editors of L'Osservatore Romano in India recently organized an intensive program at the Sengulam eco-spirituality center near Munnar in the district of Idukki, Kerala, India, specifically for the major superiors of the nuns of Kerala, India.

Initially scheduled for March 11 to 15, 2024, a desire expressed by several major Superiors motivated the holding of the same program from April 1 to 5.

Theme “Ignite, Inspire and Empower: Together we feel the heartbeat of the Church,“The initiative saw 105 participants, with the presence of 4 Superiors General, 25 Provincials and 76 General/Provincial Councilors.

The primary goals of this immersive program were twofold: to equip Major Superiors with the tools necessary to face the growing challenges facing religious life around the world, and to encourage them to fulfill their duties with efficiency and grace.

Leadership, the central motif, has been divided into three distinct dimensions: institutional leadership, personal leadership and extra-rational leadership.

Drawing on the timeless wisdom enshrined in biblical teachings and Church doctrines, participants were challenged to find ways to revive their inspiration and that of their members.

Guided by the Holy Spirit and the authoritative guidelines of the Church as described in Perfectae Caritatis, Superiors were responsible for guiding those in their care as children of God and managing their property as ecclesial property with prudence and fidelity.

The Major Superiors and members were also presented to the document published by the Dicastery for Communication, Towards Full Presence – A Pastoral Reflection on Engagement with Social Media, as a guideline for best communication practices in religious institutions.

The program blended theoretical knowledge and practical guidance, providing superiors with the insight required to address the issues they face in their daily responsibilities. Interactive sessions, workshops and conversations facilitated the discussion of practical strategies, to help superiors serve as beacons amid the oceans of religious administration.

The program argued for the practical integration of synodality, a principle defended by Pope Francis, both within and beyond the Synod of Bishops.

The Carmelite Fathers hosted the event

The Carmelite Fathers hosted the event

The initiative aimed to equip Major Superiors with the tools to guide others with a vision that is part of the fabric of daily religious life.

The importance of “Feel with Ecclesia» we insisted in the class, demanding that major superiors always be open to the needs of the local Church and the universal Church, according to the inspiring model of Saint Teresa of Avila, who ardently proclaimed: “ I am the daughter of the Church. »

The Superiors were offered a subscription to L'Osservatore Romano and access to other Church documents. The Major Superiors also gave their support to the “A library for a parish, a L'Osservatore Romano for a family » Program aimed at bringing the teachings of the Church to every Catholic, especially to younger generations.

The superiors pledged their support and cooperation in spreading understanding of the Church Documents through various competitions, such as quiz competitions.

The program represented a unique initiative of the Carmel International Publishing House, publisher of L'Osservatore Romano in India, with the aim of disseminating Church news and the Pope's sermons.

The Discalced Carmelites have a long tradition of serving the Indian Church as trainers of secular clergy and religious over the past centuries.

Fr. Joseph Edappulavan, OCD (the director of the Avila Eco-Spirituality Center, Sengulam), Fr. Sebastian Koodappattu, OCD, and Fr. James Alakuzhiyil, OCD (the director of the Carmel International Publishing House, Trivandrum, which publishes L'Osservatore Romano) served as facilitator and resource staff for this program.

Vatican news


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