Lord’s Day Reflection: ‘A Divine Encounter’
Vatican news
As the Church celebrates the Third Sunday of Easter, Jenny Kraska offers her reflections on the day's liturgical readings under the theme: “A Divine Encounter.”
By Jenny Kraska
This week, the Gospel of Luke tells us of the profound encounter between Jesus and his disciples on the road to Emmaus.
Following Christ's death and empty tomb, we see the disciples struggle with confusion, unbelief, and despair, only to be transformed by the resurrected Christ standing in their midst.
This transformation finds its fullness when Jesus reveals himself to them through the breaking of bread. I recently had the opportunity to reread Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy and could not help but reflect on the striking parallels between this Gospel passage and the soul's journey toward divine revelation and communion with God found in the Divine Comedy.
The Divine Comedy is an incredible work of literature that explores Dante's journey through hell, purgatory, and heaven, guided by the poet Virgil and ultimately his beloved Beatrice.
Much like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, Dante embarks on a journey in which he wrestles with questions of sin and redemption, ultimately finding comfort and salvation in his union with God. “At this point, power failed, but, like a perfect wheel, the balance turning, I felt my will and desire driven by the Love that moves the sun and the other stars. Paradiso, Canto XXXIII, lines 142-145.
In the Gospel of Luke, the disciples on the road to Emmaus are initially blinded by their grief and confusion following the death of Jesus.
They fail to recognize him, even though he walks alongside them and engages in conversation with them. It is only in the Eucharistic meal that their hearts and their eyes open.
As they rush to share this remarkable experience with the other disciples, Jesus suddenly appears to them, greeting them with the words: “Peace be with you” (Luke 24:36) and they are invited to touch his hands and feet. The physicality of Jesus' resurrected body underscores the reality of God's promise made flesh.
Both in this Gospel passage and in Dante's journey, we bear witness that the encounter with the divine brings about a profound transformation of the soul.
In Luke's Gospel, Jesus opens the disciples' minds to understanding the Scriptures, revealing to them the fulfillment of God's saving plan (Luke 24:45).
Likewise, Dante experiences a spiritual awakening that transcends earthly boundaries and offers a beautiful glimpse of the divine glory and boundless mercy that await the faithful in heaven. “In his will is our peace – it is the sea into which all things are drawn and which it itself creates or which the work of nature does. Paradiso, Canto III, lines 85-87.
The parallels between Luke's Gospel and Dante's journey highlight universal themes of suffering, redemption, and the search for truth.
Both speak of the human experience of encountering God in the trials and tribulations of life and of the consolation and salvation found in His love and mercy, and both illustrate that we are called to open our hearts to the presence of God in our lives. trusting that his guidance and grace will lead us into the fullness of truth and eternal life.
Vatican news