Ethiopian Bishop: Prayer and justice can heal our social divisions

Ethiopian Bishop: Prayer and justice can heal our social divisions

Vatican news

An Ethiopian bishop is urging religious leaders to act as mediators to heal the African nation's political and social divisions.

By Devin Watkins

“Religious institutions and the government have the responsibility to lead young people on the right path of development and not into war. »

Mgr Teshome Fikre Woldetensae, coadjutor bishop of the Eparchy of Emdeber, made this reminder in a recent interview with an Ethiopian television channel.

The bishop, who is general secretary of the Ethiopian Bishops' Conference, spoke about the political and social crisis that has hit the country in recent years.

“We were once considered a people of faith and humility, but today this is challenged by daily and ongoing conflicts and wars which continue to lead to a state of general insecurity and extreme poverty,” he said. “Blood is flowing everywhere.”

Humanitarian crisis in Ethiopia

Ethiopia often faces overlapping crises due to ethnic conflicts, natural disasters and health epidemics.

A two-year war in the northern regions, which ended in November 2022, is believed to have left hundreds of thousands dead and millions displaced.

According to the United Nations Refugee Agency, around 9 million people in the Tigray, Afar and Amhara regions are in need of food assistance and 3.1 million are internally displaced. country.

Role of religious leaders in promoting peace

Archbishop Fikre said religious leaders are called to put aside ethnic tensions and help heal the country by promoting reconciliation and peace.

“By remaining neutral, free from ethnic sectarianism and political influence,” he said, “religious leaders can play an important role as mediators and in building a culture of peace and reconciliation.”

Young people, he added, face unemployment and look to religious and government institutions to guide them on the path of development rather than the path of war.

“We have the task of showing them the path of truth, love and justice,” said Archbishop Fikre. “We must stop sending them to fight and protect them from human traffickers, help them follow the right path and let them live happily in their own country. »

The Secretary General of the Ethiopian Bishops' Conference reminded his brother bishops that God has entrusted them with the flock to lead it to life.

“Our social and spiritual fractures,” concluded Archbishop Fikre, “are healed through prayer, good will, good deeds, love and justice.”

(Source: Agenzia Fides)

Vatican news


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