Holy See: Efforts to help Africa must support, not impose

Holy See: Efforts to help Africa must support, not impose

Addressing the Security Council's open debate on maintaining international peace and security, Archbishop Gabriele Caccia, permanent observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, suggests two ways to help strengthen the role of Africa to ensure its own security.

Deborah Castellano Lubov

Faced with a new wave of colonialism and continued exploitation, the international community must commit to helping promote and safeguard the dignity of African people.

Archbishop Gabriele Caccia, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, expressed this position during the Security Council's open debate on the maintenance of international peace and security, focused on “Strengthening the Role of the State African in responding to global security and development challenges.

Blessings and Challenges

While emphasizing that Africa is blessed with a wealth of human and natural resources, as well as a rich cultural heritage, he lamented that it is “beset by numerous challenges”, including conflicts, terrorism, the impact of climate change and the ongoing fight. for economic development and the eradication of poverty.

“These challenges,” he observed, “have led to instability and hampered development progress in many African countries, resulting in widespread suffering for many.”

“These challenges have led to instability and hampered development progress in many African countries, resulting in widespread suffering for many”

In this context, the Permanent Observer then highlighted two key areas that contribute to strengthening the role of African States in responding to their security and development challenges.

Two key elements

First, he praised the great progress made by African states in tackling some of the continent's most pressing challenges, commending their effectiveness and affirming that they must continue to work together.

Second, he added, the international community must help Africa, particularly in the face of the “deeply worrying reality” that some countries continue to exploit African people and the continent's natural resources.

Efforts to support and not impose

He warned that “we are witnessing a new wave of colonialism, which fails to respect the inherent human dignity of all, undermines the common good and threatens efforts to eradicate poverty.”

This is why, Archbishop Caccia said, “it is of the utmost importance that the international community acts collectively to ensure that all men, women and children across Africa become worthy agents of their own destiny.”

“It is of the utmost importance that the international community acts collectively to ensure that all men, women and children across Africa become worthy agents of their own destiny”

Efforts, he urged, must be made “to support rather than impose” and “to give Africa the freedom to pursue policies of integral human development.”

The Permanent Observer of the Holy See concluded by recalling the words of Pope Francis when he addressed the authorities of the Democratic Republic of Congo last year.

“May Africa, the smile and hope of the world, count more! May we talk about it more frequently and may it have more weight and prestige among nations!”

“May Africa, the smile and hope of the world, count more! May we talk about it more frequently and have more weight and prestige among the nations!


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