Poland: Thousands gather for Corpus Christi worship concerts

Poland: Thousands gather for Corpus Christi worship concerts

Vatican news

A new phenomenon marking the solemnity of Corpus Christi brings together thousands of people across Poland, as more than 25,000 faithful gather for Christian concerts broadcast around the world.

By Fr. Paweł Rytel-Andrianik & Fr. Jakub Nagi

This year, the “One Heart, One Mind” concert in Rzeszow brought together more than 25,000 people from Poland and other European countries on the occasion of Corpus Christi, celebrated on Thursday.

As the organizers point out, “the concert is a form of prayer, and Christ is the most important. It brings together so many people to worship together on site and through television, radio and Internet broadcasts.”

Broadcasts and media coverage of the event reached millions of people in Poland and around the world.

The orchestra and the “Un coeur, un esprit” choir accompanied the concert performers, including nearly 200 choristers and soloists, as well as instrumentalists and volunteers.

Concert participants were able to listen to 26 religious songs and pieces over three hours.

Father Andrzej Cypryś, one of the organizers of the concert, Marcin Pospieszalski, musical director, and Jan Budziaszek, master of ceremonies, welcomed all those gathered for the 22sd edition of the concert “One heart, one mind”.

At the end, Mgr Jan Wątroba, from the diocese of Rzeszów, gave his blessing.

Worship concerts on Corpus Christi are becoming more and more popular in Poland, both in big cities and small towns.

They are also having an impact on the media, with many people posting reports about the concert on social media. Many participants are young people and young couples.

Vatican news


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