Kenya: Communication network empowers Sisters, promotes evangelization

Kenya: Communication network empowers Sisters, promotes evangelization

Vatican news

Catholic Sisters in Kenya launch the Catholic Sisters Communications Network (CNCS). Director, Sr Michelle Njeri OSF, reveals: “Our vision is to be a vibrant network of empowered Catholic sisters, evangelizing through stories of social transformation.

By Sr. Christine Masivo Cps

In a groundbreaking initiative, Catholic Sisters in Kenya, under the umbrella of the Association of Brotherhoods of Kenya (AOSK), have officially launched the Catholic Sisters Communication Network (CNCS). This new network aims to strengthen evangelization through modern social communication, reflecting the sisters' commitment to using media for social transformation. The launch event on Friday, June 14, followed a two-day preparatory workshop in Nairobi, during which 13 professional communication sisters were trained in communication, aligning with the objectives of the CNCS, which included that of equipping sisters in the skills needed to thrive in the digital age. .

Social Media Safety and AI Training

The preparatory workshop included comprehensive sessions on social media safety, protection and cyberbullying, led by renowned expert, Mr. Kennedy Kachwanya. He highlighted the inevitability of cyberbullying on social platforms and advised the sisters to respond with grace and evangelical spirit. “We must use the challenges we face in the social space to evangelize and help transform people,” he remarked, emphasizing the sisters' mission to promote understanding and compassion through their interactions in line.

An important focus of the workshop was training on artificial intelligence (AI), led by Br. Elias Mokua SJ. He highlighted the transformative potential of AI in communication, stating that “AI gives us more time for creativity. We must use it to recreate our way of thinking and move forward. » This session aimed to equip sisters with the knowledge to leverage AI for more effective evangelism and storytelling.

A session on social media safety, protection and cyberbullying, moderated by Mr. Kennedy Kachwanya.

A session on social media safety, protection and cyberbullying, moderated by Mr. Kennedy Kachwanya.

Stories that need to be told

Present at the launch were representatives from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Sr. Jane Wakahiu, LSOSF, associate vice president of program operations and head of the Catholic Sisters Initiative, Angélique Mutombo, senior program manager, Catholic Sisters Initiative of Africa and Sr Agnes Njeri. Program manager for the Catholic Sisters initiative, Africa. Also, Sister Josephine Kangogo, DSH, President of the Association of Kenyan Fraternities (AOSK) and Chairman of the CNCS Board of Trustees, Ms. Christine Nguku of the Kenya Media Council and various Catholic media houses.

Reflecting on the journey from the network’s inception to its launch, Sister Jane Wakahiu shared her enthusiasm and gratitude. “This network was once a dream, but through collective effort and careful thought, it has become a reality. The sisters have stories of hope, love and courage that must be told with tenderness and care,” she said. She urged the sisters to use the network to share their stories through the lens of Jesus and their healing mission.

Communications Network for Catholic Sisters Board Members with Sister Jane Wakahiu (right)

Communications Network for Catholic Sisters Board Members with Sister Jane Wakahiu (right)

Sister Kangogo reiterated the essential role of communication in society, stressing: “Communication is the vital element of any progressive society and daily life. Providing fair and credible information is essential. She expressed confidence that the CNCS will enable the sisters to share their stories accurately and authentically, thereby strengthening their evangelization and advocacy efforts on behalf of the voiceless.

The Catholic Sisters Communications Network (CNCS) is funded by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, which has a long-standing commitment to supporting Catholic sisters. Sister Wakahiu highlighted the Foundation's belief that “charity is a supreme virtue” and highlighted the Foundation's support in alleviating human suffering through the dedicated work and compassionate hearts of the sisters.

Impact society through the media

Sister Michelle Njeri OSF, director of the CNCS, highlighted the network’s aim of providing a unified communication channel for nuns from different congregations. “This network aims to strengthen our capacity for evangelization through the media, fostering greater connection and collaboration between us,” she said. Sister Njeri stressed that the CNCS will provide a platform for Catholic sisters to amplify their voices through the coverage of various apostolates for evangelization and social transformation. “The CNCS will be guided by its core values ​​of prayer, integrity, accountability, respect, diversity, networking and partnership,” she added.

“Our vision is to be a vibrant network of empowered Catholic sisters, evangelizing through stories of social transformation,” Sister Njeri emphasized at the launch of the network. The mission of this network is to promote the apostolate of Catholic sisters through media visibility for evangelization and social transformation. By sharing our stories, we aim to inspire change and foster deeper understanding and compassion in society. »

A new era for Catholic sisters in Kenya

The launch of the Catholic Sisters Communication Network (CNCS) marks a new era for Catholic sisters in Kenya. By adopting modern communication tools and platforms, the sisters are strengthening their evangelization efforts and making a significant impact on society. Through their stories of hope, love and courage, they foster a more compassionate and understanding world. As the sisters move forward with this new platform, they are ready to share their deep stories and messages with a wider audience, fostering greater understanding and compassion in society, and this will undoubtedly continue to be a beacon of light and transformation in the digital age. .

Vatican news


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