Pope on AI: Welcome its benefits to humanity, but mitigate its risks

Pope on AI: Welcome its benefits to humanity, but mitigate its risks

Vatican news

Pope Francis reaffirms that artificial intelligence should only be used for the benefit of humanity, thanking participants in the international convention on “Generative Artificial Intelligence and the Technocratic Paradigm,” organized by the Centesimus Annus Pro Foundation Vatican Pontifice.

Deborah Castellano Lubov

Just over a week after Pope Francis' speech at the G7 session in Bari, Italy, on artificial intelligence, the Holy Father reaffirms that powerful technological advances must be used ethically, to serve humanity, and that the inherent risks must be mitigated.

The Holy Father's final words on AI were delivered during his audience Saturday morning at the Vatican with participants in the international convention on “Generative Artificial Intelligence and the Technocratic Paradigm,” organized by the Vatican. Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice.

Pope Francis meets participants in the International Convention organized by the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Vatican Foundation

Pope Francis meets participants in the International Convention organized by the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Vatican Foundation

Must remain a tool in human hands

In his speech, the Pope thanked those who came before him for their commitment to exploring how AI can help promote human dignity and serve the disadvantaged.

“I appreciate,” he expressed, “that the Centesimus Annus has given great space to this subject, involving academics and experts from different countries and disciplines, analyzing the opportunities and risks linked to development and the use of AI.

The Pope also warned against the autonomous action of this tool, stressing that AI “is and must remain a tool” in human hands.

Furthermore, the Holy Father warned against artificial intelligence that perpetuates a “throwaway culture,” promotes inequalities and makes decisions outside its scope of competence.

The goal of AI must promote human dignity

While encouraging them to continue to examine the true purpose of AI, he asked: “Does it serve to satisfy the needs of humanity, to improve the well-being and integral development of people? Or rather “does it serve to enrich and increase the already high power of a few technological giants despite the dangers weighing on humanity? »

This, he says, is the fundamental question.

Since the future of humanity will be played out on the front of technological innovation, he declared: “We must not miss the opportunity to think and act in a new way, with the mind, the heart and hands”, in order to “direct innovation towards a configuration centered on the primacy of human dignity.

This, he stressed, is not subject to discussion.

An encouragement and a provocation

While the Pope encouraged Centesimus Annus to “boldly pursue” its commitment in this area, he specifically welcomed the launch of a second joint research project between the Foundation and the Strategic Alliance of Catholic Research Universities (SACRU) , insisting: “Please keep me informed about this!”

Pope Francis concluded by offering what he described as “a provocation.”

“Are we sure we want to continue to call 'intelligence' what intelligence is not?” he said. Insisting on the need to think about it, he invited them to ask themselves “if the abusive use of this important and human word is not already a capitulation to technocratic power.”

Pope Francis with participants in the international convention on AI organized by the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Vatican Foundation

Pope Francis with participants in the international convention on AI organized by the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Vatican Foundation

Vatican news


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