Pope appoints new Bishop of Hangzhou in China

Pope appoints new Bishop of Hangzhou in China

On Saturday, June 22, Pope Francis named Giuseppe Yang Yongqiang bishop of Hangzhou, moving him from Zhoucun in east China's Shandong province. This appointment is part of the Agreement between the Holy See and the People's Republic of China. The prelate had participated in the Assembly of the Synod of Bishops.

By Gianni Valente*

Giuseppe Yang Yongqiang is the new bishop of Hangzhou, the capital of China's Zhejiang province. “In the framework of the dialogue concerning the implementation of the Provisional Agreement between the Holy See and the People's Republic of China.”

A press release published Saturday June 22 by the Press Office of the Holy See: “On June 12, 2024, the Holy Father appointed Giuseppe Yang Yongqiang bishop of Hangzhou (Zhejiang province, China), transferring him from the see of Zhoucun (province of Shandong). , China).” The solemn Eucharistic liturgy for the installation of the bishop in his new episcopal see will be celebrated in Hangzhou Cathedral on Thursday, June 27.

Giuseppe Yang Yongqiang was born on April 11, 1970 in Boxing (Shandong), into a Catholic family. In 1987, he entered the Holy Spirit Seminary in Jinan. He conducted his philosophical and theological studies in this seminary and at the Sheshan Seminary in Shanghai. On June 15, 1995, he was ordained a priest. After serving as a parish priest, he was sent to continue his studies at the National Seminary in Beijing. Subsequently, he was a lecturer at the Holy Spirit Seminary. Appointed coadjutor bishop of Zhoucun, he was consecrated on November 15, 2010 and on February 8, 2013, he succeeded Bishop Ma Xuesheng at the head of this diocese. On June 12, 2024, Pope Francis appointed him bishop of Hangzhou.

In October 2023, together with another bishop from mainland China, Antonio Yao Shen, of the diocese of Jining/Wumeng, Giuseppe Yang Yongqiang participated in the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, dedicated to the theme “For a synodal Church: communion, Participation and Mission.” Later, in an exclusive interview with Agenzia Fides, Bishop Yang said he was “honored” to have been invited to participate in the Synodal Assembly of Bishops held in Rome, affirming that it was “an opportunity to share my journey of faith while listening to that of others.”

In this same interview, Bishop Yang recounts the development of his priestly vocation: “I come from a family of Catholic tradition, and the faith of the elders of my family had a great influence on me, in particular that of my grandfather. -mother. that she asked us to read the prayers every evening and also to bow before the statues or images of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph or other saints before going to bed. She herself continued to pray late into the night. He added: “One day, my mother went on a pilgrimage to Mount Notre-Dame in Huzhuang. When she returned, she told us that she saw young seminarians sitting and reading in the church in the western area of ​​Jinan, looking calm and disciplined. Her eyes sparkled as she spoke. His words stayed with me, planting in me the seed of the priesthood.

In the interview, the new bishop of Hangzhou also cited a passage from Of the imitation of Christ who inspired him during his journey: “Refrain from unnecessary conversations. If possible, stay away from the hustle and bustle of people. Indeed, even if one attends with pure intention, dealing with the affairs of the world is a significant obstacle, because one quickly becomes tainted with vanity and enslaved, I have more than once wished to remain silent and not not go among people.

Bishop Yang also shared a personal story related to his priestly ordination: “My father introduced me to Father Li Chonglun, diocesan leader, and said to me: 'Today I am handing over this boy to the Church. I will not rest in peace until it is ordained. I never thought his words would prove prophetic. The day after my ordination to the priesthood by Bishop Aloysius Jin Luxian, I received a phone call informing me that my father had just died. His words were like those of Simeon. in the Gospel of Luke, also quoted in the prayers of Compline: “Now, Master, you can let your servant go in peace, according to your word…” This is why, every time I recite these prayers, I I feel like I'm praying for my dad.”

The Diocese of Hangzhou is home to 30,000 Catholics. The episcopal see was vacant. On June 25, 2000, Father Matteo Cao Xiangde received an illegitimate episcopal ordination (because it was not granted by the papal mandate) as bishop of Hangzhou. Subsequently, on June 8, 2008, the Holy See legitimized it without granting it jurisdiction. Bishop Cao died on July 9, 2021, at the age of 92, following a long illness.

* Director of the Fides Press Agency


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