Synod’s Ordinary Council continues work on Instrumentum laboris

Synod’s Ordinary Council continues work on Instrumentum laboris

Members of the 15th Ordinary Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod meet with Pope Francis as they continue their work on the “Instrumentum laboris” for the upcoming second session of the General Assembly of the Synod.

By Christopher Wells

After a meeting of theologians earlier this month, the Ordinary Council of the Synod – whose members were elected at last year's General Assembly – is intensifying its work on the Work instrument (HE) who will guide the October meeting of synodal fathers and mothers.

An initial version of the IL was produced following consultations with theologians, who examined reports from 108 of the 114 bishops' conferences and 9 of the 14 Eastern Catholic Churches, as well as responses from a wide range of Catholic institutions and individuals from all over the world, from various ecclesial sensibilities and from different theological “schools”.

An exercise in accountability

“We wanted to carry out this vast consultation in order to remain consistent with the principle of circularity (what comes from the base comes back to the base) which animated the entire synodal process,” said Cardinal Mario Grech, explaining the work. He said their efforts were an “exercise… of that responsibility which characterizes a synodal Church and which… will bear witness to the authenticity of the work of the synod”.

On Monday, Council members met with Pope Francis who encouraged them to continue their work.

A dynamic of pastoral conversion

A press release following the audience with the Holy Father emphasized that the interim period between the two General Assemblies helped the faithful understand that the synod is not intended to resolve particular problems, “but to synodality and to enter into a dynamic of pastoral conversion”. way of being Church which calls for trust “in the support of the Holy Spirit”.

In the coming days, a new version of the IL will be drafted following the work of the Council and the “extensive revision”. This project will be sent back to the Ordinary Council for approval, before being sent to the Holy Father for final approval.

The press release provides a publication date for the Work instrument in the first half of July.

You can read the full text of the press release on the Web page of the Synod.


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