News from the Orient – June 28, 2024

News from the Orient – June 28, 2024

Vatican news

In this week's news from the Churches of the Orient, produced in collaboration with L'Œuvre d'Orient, a 1,500-year-old Byzantine church is discovered in Israel, Armenia recognizes the State of Palestine and Cardinal Pietro Parolin visits the Church in Lebanon.

This week's Oriental News:

Discovery of a Byzantine church in the Negev

The remains of a 1,500-year-old Byzantine church have been discovered during archaeological excavations in the Negev desert in southern Israel.

Led by the Israel Antiquities Authority, the excavation also led to a second discovery: the remains of ships carved into the walls of the church.

The engravings were made by pilgrims visiting the holy places to tell the story of their arrival.

These discoveries offer a glimpse into the world of Christian pilgrims who traveled to the Holy Land 15 centuries ago.

The Christian presence in the Negev continued until the 8th century, when mosques began to be built.

Armenia recognizes the State of Palestine

On Friday, June 21, the Armenian Foreign Ministry announced the recognition of the State of Palestine.

While this decision was welcomed by Turkey, it also affects relations with Israel, which have been strained since 2020.

Armenia criticizes the Israeli state for its arms sales to Azerbaijan, which is believed to have played a major role in the September 2023 offensive against Nagorno-Karabakh.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry reacted sharply to Armenia's decision, summoning the Armenian ambassador to reprimand him, without providing further details.

Visit of Cardinal Pietro Parolin to Lebanon

The Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, participated on Tuesday June 25 in a “spiritual summit” at the headquarters of the Maronite Church in Bkerké, Lebanon.

Lebanese representatives of the Christian and Muslim communities responded to the call of the Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Bechara Rai, to stress the importance of coexistence and interreligious cohesion.

While many Christian and Sunni religious leaders were present, representatives of the Shiite community were absent, highlighting the increasingly tense relations between Maronites and Shiites.

News from the Orient will return in September. Have a good summer.

Vatican news


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