Pope: Reconsider the development of lethal autonomous weapons

Pope: Reconsider the development of lethal autonomous weapons

Vatican news

Pope Francis sends message to Hiroshima conference on 'AI Ethics for Peace', stressing symbolic importance of discussing peace in city scarred by atomic tragedy.

By Francesca Merlo

As religious leaders from around the world gather to discuss “the ethics of AI for peace” in Hiroshima, Japan, on July 9-10, Pope Francis is sending a message, stressing that discussing peace and artificial intelligence in the city still suffering the aftermath of the atomic bomb that nearly destroyed it in August 1945, “is of great symbolic importance.”

AI and Peace

Artificial intelligence and peace are two issues of paramount importance, he said. The pope recalled his last appeal on this subject to the G7 political leaders gathered in Puglia, Italy. During that meeting, Pope Francis stressed the importance of leaving decision-making in the hands of humans rather than relying on machines, explaining that “the machine makes a technical choice between several possibilities, on the basis of well-defined criteria or statistical inferences. Now, the human being not only chooses, but is capable of deciding in his heart.”

The real decisions

He argues that real decisions require human wisdom and assessment and that over-reliance on artificial intelligence could undermine human dignity.

This is exactly what we saw in Hiroshima and continue to see today, and “among the current conflicts impacting our world – including the hatred of war – we are hearing more and more about this technology,” he adds.

It is essential, the Pope continued, that “we remind the world, united as brothers, that in light of the tragedy of armed conflict, it is urgent to reconsider the development and use of devices such as so-called 'lethal autonomous weapons' and, ultimately, to prohibit their use.” Reiterating his appeal, which is at the heart of many appeals throughout his pontificate, he repeats: “No machine should ever choose to take the life of a human being.”

Contribution of all to fair regulation

In conclusion of his message, Pope Francis asks that, faced with the complexity of the questions that are posed to us, “we recognize the contribution of the cultural riches of peoples and religions in the regulation of artificial intelligence.” This, he emphasizes, “is the key to the success of your commitment to the wise management of technological innovation.”

Finally, Pope Francis expressed his hope that this meeting “will bear fruit in terms of fraternity and cooperation”, before praying that “each of us will become an instrument of peace for the world”.

Vatican news


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