Pope meets Sardinian shepherd exonerated of murder after 33 years in prison

Pope meets Sardinian shepherd exonerated of murder after 33 years in prison

Vatican news

Pope Francis held a private audience with Beniamino Zuncheddu, the Italian shepherd from Sardinia who spent 33 years in prison for allegedly murdering three people in 1991 but was acquitted in January.

By Vatican News

The audience with the Pope took place in the library of the Apostolic Palace. Beniamino Zuncheddu, arrested in 1991 at the age of 26 and now in his sixties, said he had forgiven the man who had identified him as the murderer of three people, before retracting his statement.

The Italian Court of Appeal exonerated Mr Zuncheddu in January 2024 after 33 years in prison.

Mr. Zuncheddu co-authored a book with his lawyer entitled I am innocent (I am innocent), which he presented to the Pope during the audience on Friday morning.

In his book, Mr. Zuncheddu recounts the tragic experience he endured for so long. He served his sentence in three different prisons, sometimes sharing a small cell with eleven people, facing great difficulty even in washing and sleeping.

He called the experience inhumane, but said he had been able to help others in worse situations than he was. Mr. Zuncheddu said he drew strength from trusting in God and thinking of his family.

In the book, he says he forgave the person who accused him of being the murderer and later retracted his accusations.

Mr. Zuncheddu gives the Pope a copy of his book

Mr. Zuncheddu gives the Pope a copy of his book

Vatican news


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