Holy Land Churches implore political leaders to reach agreement for peace

Holy Land Churches implore political leaders to reach agreement for peace

Vatican news

A statement issued by the patriarchs and heads of the churches of Jerusalem expresses grave concern over the heightened tensions that are putting the region on the brink of all-out war and calls for a negotiated settlement for peace.

By Linda Bordoni

As the twelfth month of “the current devastating war” approaches and heightened regional tensions involving the Iranian-backed Hezbollah group with bases in Lebanon threaten to create the conditions for a “full-scale regional war,” Jerusalem church leaders have issued a renewed call for a negotiated solution to the conflict.

In a joint statement released Monday, the patriarchs and heads of the churches of Jerusalem expressed their need to express “once again” their grave concerns over the disastrous turn taken by the war.

They note that “despite repeated calls for de-escalation of violence from us and the international community, the situation in our beloved Holy Land has only deteriorated.”

“Millions of refugees remain displaced, their homes inaccessible, destroyed or beyond repair. Hundreds of innocent people are killed or seriously injured every week by indiscriminate attacks. Countless others continue to suffer from hunger, thirst and infectious diseases. Among them are those languishing in captivity on all sides, who also face the risk of mistreatment at the hands of their captors. Still others, far from the battlefields, have suffered uncontrolled attacks on their villages, pastures and farmlands,” the statement said.

The signatories point out that the ceasefire negotiations are dragging on. “The leaders of the warring parties seem more concerned with political considerations than with the desire to put an end to the quest for death and destruction,” they write.

Church leaders go on to stress that these “repeated delays, coupled with other acts of provocation, have only increased tensions to the point where we find ourselves on the brink of a full-scale regional war.”


Thus, they say, they “implore once again the leaders of the warring parties to listen to our calls and those of the international community (UN Security Council Resolution 2735) to quickly reach a ceasefire agreement leading to the end of the war, the release of all captives, the return of displaced persons, the treatment of the sick and wounded, the relief of those who are hungry and thirsty, and the reconstruction of all public and private civilian structures that have been destroyed.”

Two-State Solution

The Patriarchs and Church leaders also call on political leaders, “together with the international community, to begin without delay diplomatic discussions aimed at resolving the long-standing grievances between them, leading to concrete steps that promote a just and lasting peace in our region through the adoption of an internationally legitimate two-State solution.”

Concern for Christian communities

In their statement, the Patriarchs and Church leaders did not fail to express their particular concern for the Christian communities in the conflict zone: “These include those who have taken refuge in Gaza in the Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrios and the Catholic Church of the Holy Family, as well as the courageous staff of the Anglican al-Ahli Hospital and the patients in their care.”

“We pledge our continued prayers and support to them, now and at the end of the war, as we work together to rebuild and strengthen the Christian presence in Gaza, as well as throughout the Holy Land,” they write.

Blessed are the peacemakers

Finally, they appeal “to Christians and all people of good will throughout the world to promote a vision of life and peace throughout our war-torn region, recalling the words of Christ.” Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9).

Vatican news


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