Pope discusses prayer and vocation with Jesuits in Singapore

Pope discusses prayer and vocation with Jesuits in Singapore

Vatican news

The Pope’s only appointment on his first day in Singapore was a “warm and fraternal” meeting with his Jesuit brothers.

By Salvatore Cernuzio – Singapore

The figures of Matteo Ricci and Father Pedro Arrupe, beacons of the Society of Jesus and the universal Church, accompanied the one-hour dialogue of Pope Francis with the Jesuits of Singapore this afternoon, September 11.

The Pope arrived today on the island for the fourth and final stage of his 45th apostolic journey. A day dedicated to rest, with the exception of the meeting with his Jesuit brothers, the third of his trip to Southeast Asia and Oceania.

The first took place in Jakarta on September 4, with 200 Jesuits; the second yesterday, in Dili, with around forty members of the Society of Jesus.

A family reunion

Today, in a room at the St. Francis Xavier Retreat Centre, located on a hill half an hour outside the city and commercial heart of Singapore, there were 25 Jesuits of varying ages, mostly Singaporeans but also a few from other regions, such as Malaysia.

“There were young people, including one recently ordained, and elderly people, and sick people. The Pope was very kind to them,” said Father Antonio Spadaro, undersecretary of the Dicastery for Culture and Education, who accompanied the Pope on the trip and was present at this afternoon’s meeting.

“The meeting lasted an hour, as usual. And as usual, it was a very warm and fraternal meeting… The Pope wanted to continue talking. It seemed that he did not want to leave this very intimate and family atmosphere.”

The photos, released by Spadaro himself on his X account, show a smiling and relaxed Francis. The priest said that Francis immediately opened the floor to questions. The topics were varied and demanding, starting with the challenges that await the Church at this time and in these lands.

“The Pope made it clear that faith must be present in human challenges and he highlighted the importance of Asia today as a key continent,” said Father Spadaro. “The Jesuits are therefore called to live in this place that presents very particular challenges.”

Pope meets with Singapore Jesuits

Pope meets with Singapore Jesuits

Arrupe and the “challenge” of prayer

The Pope also stressed the importance of prayer, which is also “a challenge”, that of “always facing the challenges of society with a spirit of prayer, following the model of Father Pedro Arrupe”. He was thus referring to the unforgettable Jesuit of Spanish origin, Superior General of the Society from 1965 to 1983, proclaimed Servant of God and whose cause for beatification is in progress.

“Pope Francis has spoken several times about the figure of this great Father General, and has said that he is very close to him and eager to achieve this beatification and canonization,” said Father Spadaro.

Vocation and training

Pastoral themes were not lacking during the conversation. “The Pope spoke above all about vocations and how they exist, that is, there are people, young people who want to enter religious life but who are sometimes afraid of formation.”

“The Pope recommended not to lower expectations,” Father Antonio Spadaro said. “In this regard,” he added, the Pope stressed the importance of “quality and appropriate formation to meet the challenges of our time.”

The example of Matteo Ricci

During the conversation, in addition to the figure of Arrupe, that of Matteo Ricci, the great Jesuit apostle of China, also appeared. “He was another figure of reference,” stressed Msgr. Spadaro, “because he was a point of reference for the Jesuits of that place.”

The meeting at the Saint François Xavier Retirement Home

The meeting at the Saint François Xavier Retirement Home

Vatican news


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