To all who received him he gave power to become children of God.
Alleluia, alleluia!
At various times in the past
and in various different ways,
God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets;
but in our own time, the last days,
he has spoken to us through his Son.
Alleluia, alleluia!
A hallowed day has dawned upon us.
Come, you nations, worship the Lord,
for today a great light has shone down upon the earth.
John 1:35-42
‘We have found the Messiah’
As John stood with two of his disciples, Jesus passed, and John stared hard at him and said, ‘Look, there is the lamb of God.’ Hearing this, the two disciples followed Jesus. Jesus turned round, saw them following and said, ‘What do you want?’ They answered, ‘Rabbi,’ – which means Teacher – ‘where do you live?’ ‘Come and see’ he replied; so they went and saw where he lived, and stayed with him the rest of that day. It was about the tenth hour.
One of these two who became followers of Jesus after hearing what John had said was Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter. Early next morning, Andrew met his brother and said to him, ‘We have found the Messiah’ – which means the Christ – and he took Simon to Jesus. Jesus looked hard at him and said, ‘You are Simon son of John; you are to be called Cephas’ – meaning Rock.
The responsorial psalms at Mass cannot be displayed on the Web, for copyright reasons. The Universalis apps and programs do contain these psalms.
Christian Art
Each day, The Christian Art website gives a picture and reflection on the Gospel of the day.
The readings on this page are from the Jerusalem Bible, which is used at Mass in much of the English-speaking world. The English Standard Version, which is used at Mass in Great Britain, will be shown here if you set this page to use a calendar for Great Britain. The New American Bible readings, which are used at Mass in the United States, are available in the Universalis apps, programs and downloads.
You can also view this page with the Gospel in Greek and English.
Get Universalis — and change your life! Readings at Mass Liturgical Colour: Green. Year: B(II). First reading 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 I preached what the others preach, and you all believed Brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, the gospel that you received and in which you are firmly established;…
Get Universalis — and change your life! Readings at Mass Liturgical Colour: Green. Year: B(II). First reading 1 Corinthians 8:1-7,11-13 Your brethren may be weaker than you: do not lead them astray Now about food sacrificed to idols. ‘We all have knowledge’; yes, that is so, but knowledge gives self-importance – it is love that makes…
Listen to the podcast! Readings at Mass Liturgical Colour: Green. Year: B(II). First reading 3 John 5-8 It is our duty to welcome missionaries and contribute our share to their work My friend, you have done faithful work in looking after these brothers, even though they were complete strangers to you. They are a proof…
Get Universalis — and change your life! Readings at Mass Liturgical Colour: Green. Year: C(I). First reading Hebrews 3:7-14 Keep encouraging one another The Holy Spirit says: If only you would listen to him today; do not harden your hearts, as happened in the Rebellion, on the Day of Temptation in the wilderness, when your…