Synodality assists in formation in Nigerian Catholic schools for girls

Synodality assists in formation in Nigerian Catholic schools for girls

Vatican news

The spirit of synodality offered fruitful advice in the training of young girls in Catholic schools in Nigeria, according to Sr. Justina Adejo, an Augustinian religious sister.

By Michael Maduekwe

The sister Justina Adejo, Augustinian sisters of the mercy of Jesus, shared her experiences on the way in which the listening and sharing of the spirit of synodality were useful in the formation of schoolgirls in the secondary school of Boarding belonging to the congregation.

“Listening (girls) gives us more opportunities to interact with them, and they feel free to interact with us,” she told Vatican News. “And our simple approach makes them feel that they have people who are really there to listen to them, so they manifest themselves and share their (life problems) with us.”

The sister Adejo, who is currently the director of the mother of the Good Counsel Girl high school, who has been created since 2011, said that this approach helped girls to “be more morally standing, more open, more auto -Depending and ready to achieve their objectives in life as disciplined women that they are impatiently awaiting. »»

Synodality with intentionality

To ensure the sustainability of this synodal culture at school, Sr. Adejo explained that the school has both a system and an approach that allows students to easily share their trip.

“We interact with them and we make ourselves at any time,” she said. “In the school, we have a system of advice and advice where a student can respond to the advice and the advice of advice to share with it, because if you are open and more flexible, you attract them to yourself. »»

“Among the teachers,” she added, “we have meetings every Monday where we sit and listen to and look at the challenges.”

These approaches, according to Sr. Adejo, create more space for the growth of their apostolate and educate young people.

Education mission

Speaking on the link between school works and the mission of the Augustinian sisters of the mercy of Jesus, Sr. Adejo noted that school work was at the heart of their mission as Augustinian sisters, because it helped pass Young girls in Christ.

“For us, as a Augustinian sisters, it contributed to our mission, because in a way, we bring them Christ and the reduces to Christ,” she said.

Synodality in the community

Synodality, said Sr. Adejo, has been useful in community life, because it gives everyone the opportunity to listen to and with their own heart and share the fruits of these experiences.

“As a Augustinian sisters, it will open more doors so that we have more time in our prayer, sharing the common things that unites us together as sisters,” she said. “We sit in the chapel to worship Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, then when we go out, as a community, we share the things that affect each of us.”

Silent prayer fruits revealed in service

Mother Teresa de Calcutta one day said that “the fruit of silence is prayer, the fruit of prayer is faith, the fruit of faith is love, the fruit of love is service, and fruit service is peace. “

Sr. Adejo explained that the Augustinian sisters of the mercy of Jesus share this experience, noting that synodal life is what encourages their sharing with others outside the community.

“While we travel together as a community, we can also move forward to share with other people who live with us.”

Synodal life, she said, “opens more doors to share more on our life and teaching the Church.”

(Tagstotranslate) School and university

Vatican news


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