Pope Francis: Put God’s forgiveness at the centre of the Church

Pope Francis: Put God’s forgiveness at the centre of the Church

Pope Francis presides over a penitential liturgy at St. Pius V Parish in Rome to open the 24 Hours for the Lord initiative, and says confession puts us back on the path to a new life that began at baptism.

By Christopher Wells

Confession, the sacrament of God's forgiveness, allows us to begin the path to a new life that began with our baptism, Pope Francis said during a penitential liturgy Friday afternoon.

The celebration, which took place in the Roman parish of St. Pius V, kicked off “24 Hours for the Lord,” an annual Lenten initiative launched by Pope Francis with the aim of keeping churches open all day to provide opportunities for prayer. and confessions.

“Walk into the new life”

In his reflection during Friday's Mass, Pope Francis focused on the theme of this year's event, “Walking in the New Life.”

In the journey of our daily lives, the Pope observed, we can often lose sight of the beauty of our new life in Christ, with harmful consequences for our relationships with God and with others.

“We remain on our path, but we need a new benchmark, a change of pace, of direction to help us find the path to our Baptism, our original beauty, the meaning of moving forward “, did he declare.

“Brothers and sisters,” continued Pope Francis, “what is the path to follow to resume the path of a new life? This is God's way of forgiveness. God’s forgiveness “brings us together again…purifies us internally, returning us to the condition of our baptismal rebirth.”

But, the Pope said, while it is necessary for us to have an open and contrite heart – like the leper who cried out to Jesus: “If you are willing, you can make me clean” – our own efforts are not enough. “Only God knows and heals the heart; He alone can deliver him from evil.

Pope Francis emphasized that this is what Jesus wants for us, so that we are renewed, free, happy and able to continue on the path of our new life.

The sacrament at the foundation of Christian existence

“Let us not distress him; let us not delay our encounter with his forgiveness, because only if he puts us back on our feet can we return to the path and see the defeat of our sin, erased forever,” the Pope said. “Let us not abandon God's forgiveness, the sacrament of reconciliation,” which is not only an exercise of devotion, but “the foundation of Christian existence.”

Pope Francis has called on those who administer the sacrament of confession to “put God’s forgiveness back at the center of the Church.”

He invited priests to always grant forgiveness to those who ask for it and to help those who might be afraid to confess their sins “to approach with confidence the sacrament of healing and joy.”

Finally, Pope Francis reminded the faithful that Jesus can purify all our faults, inviting them to confess through prayer: “Jesus, I believe that you can purify. I think I need your forgiveness. Renew me and I will walk again into a new life.


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