"Conversations in the Spirit” to help women strengthen their role in the Church

“Conversations in the Spirit” to help women strengthen their role in the Church

Vatican news

Mónica Santamarina, President of the World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations (WUCWO), speaks with Vatican News about the upcoming online event in preparation for the second part of the Synod on Synodality

By Sébastien Sanson Ferrari

Applying synodal methodology and deepening the participation of women in a synodal Church in mission: this is the objective of the “Conversations in the Spirit” meeting which will take place on Tuesday April 23 via Zoom and is organized by the World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations (UMOFC) as part of the synodal path.

The school of synodality

Mónica Santamarina, president of the organization, explained to Vatican News that the proposal is part of the School of Synodality and that thanks to this program several women receive training on five continents. They will lead the small groups and ensure that the conversations take place according to the established dynamics. Up to 1,400 people from around the world are expected.

The meeting will allow the creation of small groups and in different languages ​​(English, Spanish and French) so that each participant can share their ideas and listen to other experiences and points of view. Each session will last one and a half hours and those interested can register to participate at 1:00 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. (both Rome time). Places are limited and registrations close on April 18, although Santamarina assures that the deadline could be extended.

In addition to this space, in preparation for the second session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, WUCWO plans to launch a series of videos to share the testimony of the women who participated.

Making the most of women’s charisma and potential

Santamarina emphasizes the importance of opening paths to enhance the charisma and potential of women, “because it’s not always like that,” she says. Likewise, they wish to make the results of these dialogues known to the General Secretariat of the Synod and to the general public. In turn, they will strengthen discernment about ways to include more women in existing ministries and roles, as well as what changes would be necessary and why.

Santamarina expresses enthusiasm over Pope Francis' support for WUCWO's work. In fact, the Holy Father met with them in recent years and they presented to him the Women's Observatory, one of the initiatives promoted by the entity: “He really liked the project and when we had a private audience the last year, he encouraged us to continue working to reach the most vulnerable, and the idea of ​​this observatory is precisely, in some way, to make the invisible visible.

Vatican news


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