Empowering women religious as voices of change

Empowering women religious as voices of change

Vatican news

“In our rapidly changing world, we must celebrate the incredible work of dedicated nuns and empower them to continue moving forward. » Sister Jane Wakahiu is a true woman of hope, not only for Catholic sisters, but for all those who strive to make a difference in the world.

By Sr. Roselyne Wambani Wafula, fsp

“As Catholic sisters, we are called to serve those who are most vulnerable. Support from the Hilton Foundation allows us to amplify our efforts and reach those who need it most. Our commitment to relieving suffering and driving positive change continues to inspire and empower millions of people around the world. the world,” explains Sister Jane.

Sister Jane Wakahiu, a member of the Little Sisters of St. Francis and associate vice president of programs at the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, as well as leader of the Catholic Sister Initiative, brings a unique perspective to the world of philanthropy.

Recently, Vatican News had the privilege of interviewing Sister Jane about the important role of the Hilton Foundation in empowering Catholic sisters around the world.

Listen to an excerpt from our interview with Sr Jane Wakahiu

The power of communication

“Why such attention to Catholic sisters and communication?” » asked the interviewer.

Sr Jane’s response is insightful and thought-provoking: “Communication is at the heart of everything we do. This is especially true for those who serve the Church.

The Catholic Sisters Initiative recognizes this new reality. Silent forces for good, Catholic sisters devote their lives to humanity. Yet their voices are often lost.

“Unlike ten years ago,” says Sister Jane, “in today's world, communication is the cornerstone of effective ministry. How we connect and share the message of faith is important,” she said.

The ability to share a message of hope, advocate for the marginalized, and connect with communities lies in clear and compelling communication.

“Equipping our sisters with the skills to communicate effectively is no longer a luxury; it is a necessity. Catholic sisters become powerful voices for social justice, education and peacebuilding.

Spread the word

In what specific ways does the Catholic Sisters Initiative empower sisters to communicate?

“We offer a variety of programs,” says Sister Jane.

“These range from workshops on social media engagement to media training initiatives. We run workshops and training in various areas of communication, from social media and digital storytelling to media literacy and effective grant writing.”

“These skills allow sisters to share their stories, raise awareness of the needs of their communities, and ultimately secure funding for their crucial work.” We also facilitate opportunities for sisters to collaborate and learn from each other.


The interview then turned to the impact of the Catholic Sisters Initiative. Sr. Jane's face lit up with a smile knowing that many of us are beneficiaries of the Pentecost project and much more.

“We have seen incredible changes,” she said. “Sisters who once struggled to navigate the complexities of social media are now using it effectively to connect with their communities and raise awareness about critical issues. Others honed their communication skills and found powerful voices to advocate for the voiceless. »

Beyond the numbers

“While the decline in the number of sisters is a reality, we must not overlook the bigger picture. “” she said.

“We must focus more on the vitality, quality and impact of those who actively serve, celebrating their dedication and giving them the resources they need to continue their vital work. Their impact on the world is undeniable.”

A service with a difference

Established in 1944 by visionary hotelier Conrad Hilton, the foundation continues to serve people living in disadvantaged circumstances. The foundation addresses issues such as homelessness, education, early childhood, migration and global health.

A glimmer of hope

“There is so much good work being done,” Sister Jane concludes.

“The needs are great and the service opportunities are unlimited. Let's focus on amplifying these stories, encouraging young women to consider a life of service and supporting sisters who are already changing the narrative, ensuring that the legacy of relief the suffering continues for generations to come. »

Vatican news


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