Philippine bishop calls for greater lay involvement in Church mission

Philippine bishop calls for greater lay involvement in Church mission

Vatican news

Bishop Pablo Virgilio David, president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), is urging parish priests to share pastoral responsibilities with the laity during the ongoing “National Meeting of Parish Priests for the Synod” in Manila.

By LiCAS News

The event, which runs from July 29 to August 1, brought together 250 priests from various dioceses across the country to discuss the themes and practices of the Synod on Synodality.

Bishop David stressed the importance of empowering the laity to ease the burdens often carried only by priests.

“Priests, who are ordained ministers, have a specific role in pastoral missions. But the burden of this task becomes much lighter when they are able to empower the laity to participate meaningfully and effectively in the life and mission of the Church,” he said.

The meeting, organized by the Philippine Commission for the New Evangelization (PCNE), brought together keynote speakers, including Sister Nathalie Becquart, undersecretary of the General Secretariat of the Synod at the Vatican.

Bishop David highlighted the state of burnout many priests experience as a result of the traditional clerical framework, describing it as “so useless” and advocating for a more collaborative approach.

In his homily at the opening Mass, Cardinal José Advincula, Archbishop of Manila, echoed these sentiments, calling on priests to become “witnesses to the synodality of our Church” and foster true communion in parish communities.

He stressed the need for a welcoming Church, which includes all people, including sinners, the poor and the marginalized. “If we do not listen to the poor, are we listening to God?” Cardinal Advincula asked.

Bishop Mylo Hubert Vergara, CBCP Vice President, also encouraged priests to demonstrate joy and openness in their interactions with parishioners, promoting a Church that recognizes and supports the boldness and contributions of the laity.

The National Meeting of Parish Priests is intended to be a continuation of the themes discussed at the International Meeting of Parish Priests in Sacrofano, Italy, and aims to implement the lessons of the first session of the Synod on Synodality in Rome.

It emphasizes community discernment and improving participation and communion among the clergy.

During his previous visit to the Philippines, Cardinal Mario Grech, secretary general of the Synod of Bishops, described synodality as a “gift” for priests and bishops, advocating for a ministry that respects the different charisms within the Church.

He stressed the importance of collaboration, saying: “We must respect each other’s ministries and charisms. We can learn from each other.” (W(with reporting from AsiaNews and Roy Lagarde, CBCP News)

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