Custos of Holy Land joins call for prayers for peace on Solemnity of Assumption

Custos of Holy Land joins call for prayers for peace on Solemnity of Assumption

Vatican news

The Custos of the Holy Land, Fr. Francesco Patton OFM, writes to the friars of the Custody to invite them to dedicate the solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 15, to prayer for peace in the Middle East and in the world.

By Vatican News

The Custos of the Holy Land, Fr. Francesco Patton OFM, has addressed a letter to the friars of the Custody inviting them to dedicate the solemnity of the Assumption, on 15 August, to prayer for peace in the Middle East and in the world. This invitation echoes the appeal of Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa on 10 August, who invited everyone to pray fervently for reconciliation and peace, entrusting our prayers to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin on the feast of the Assumption.

The Franciscan friars of the Custody of the Holy Land The missionaries of the Congregation of Charity are missionaries who work in the holy places of the region, ensuring the protection of the sites, providing pastoral care and accompaniment, as well as offering social and educational services to the population. Their presence and service dates back eight centuries, to the time of Saint Francis, during his visit to the Middle East in the early 13th century.

A sign of hope

“We are living in very difficult times, in which it is particularly important to pray for peace,” begins Fr. Patton, who highlights a “sign of hope” in that the parties involved have agreed to resume negotiations for a ceasefire in Gaza, the release of hostages and the release of political prisoners. The Custos emphasizes that the talks must take place “on the very day we celebrate Mary’s ascension into Heaven in body and soul, a sign of certain hope and consolation for us pilgrims on earth.”

Intense prayer

At this important moment, Father Patton invites the brothers to dedicate the celebrations of the Assumption in a special way to this prayer for peace. Quoting the Apocalypse, he writes: “We know that when the sign of the woman about to give birth appears in heaven, the infernal dragon also appears and rages against her children (Rev 12:1ff.), but he is fought by the heavenly militias led by Saint Michael the Archangel.” And for this reason, it is particularly important that this day be a day of intense prayer, also using the prayer formula approved by the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, a formula that he himself will use.

Text of the “Supplication for Peace to Our Lady Assumed into Heaven”

O most glorious Mother of God,
raised above the choirs of angels,
pray for us with Saint Michael the Archangel
and with all the angelic powers of heaven and with all the saints,
to your most holy and beloved Son, our Lord and Master.

Obtain for this Holy Land, for all its children and for all humanity
the gift of reconciliation and peace.
May your prophecy be fulfilled:
the proud are scattered in the imaginations of their hearts;
the mighty are cast down from their thrones,
and finally, the humble are resurrected;
Let the hungry be filled with good things,
the peaceful are recognized as children of God
and let the meek receive the earth as a gift.

May Jesus Christ, your Son, grant us this,
He who raised you today above the choirs of angels,
who crowned you with the diadem of the Kingdom,
and placed you on the throne of eternal splendor.
To him be honor and glory forever. Amen.

Vatican news


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