Pope mourns victims of attack on refugee camp in DR Congo

Pope renews prayers for peace in countries torn by conflict

Vatican news

Pope Francis is making his latest appeal for peace amid ongoing conflicts and political instability in the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Ukraine, Myanmar and the Holy Land.

By Deborah Castellano Lubov

The Holy Father made his final appeals for peace in places torn apart by war and conflict, and for closeness to suffering populations, at the end of his general audience on Wednesday.

Addressing the pilgrims present, the Pope recalled the great suffering of war-torn Ukraine, urging all the faithful not to forget the besieged nation.

What remains of a Ukrainian school

What remains of a Ukrainian school

“Let us not forget martyred Ukraine,” he urged, stressing: “Let us not forget Myanmar, South Sudan, North Kivu and so many countries that are at war.”

The Pope also prayed for those suffering from the war in the Holy Land.

“Let us pray for peace,” he added.

Trust in the Holy Spirit and the intercession of Our Lady of Jasna Góra

The Holy Father also prayed for the gift of peace in his greetings to Polish pilgrims.

He lamented that “our world, marked by wars and divisions, needs more than ever the fruits of the Holy Spirit”, while urging Christians to live peace in the simple gestures of daily life.

“Start with your families and your workplaces,” he urged, “bring love, peace and kindness into your daily lives.”

Recalling that many Poles are currently making pilgrimages to Our Lady of Jasna Góra, the Holy Father prayed that her intercession “will grant the world the gift of much-desired peace.”

Image of Polish faithful on pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of Jasna Góra

Image of Polish faithful on pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of Jasna Góra

Prayers for catechists who advance the faith

Pope Francis recalled that Wednesday marks the commemoration of St. Pius X, sometimes known as the “Pope of the Catechism.”

“We think of our catechists who do so much work and who, in some parts of the world, are the first to carry the faith forward,” the Holy Father said, inviting the faithful to “pray today for the catechists,” so that “the Lord may make them courageous” and “may they be able to move forward.”

Vatican news


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