Pope expresses solidarity with those suffering from Mpox, especially in DRC

Pope expresses solidarity with those suffering from Mpox, especially in DRC

Vatican news

After the Angelus, Pope Francis expressed his solidarity with smallpox patients, particularly in the Democratic Republic of Congo, who are struggling with the epidemic, which has become a global health emergency. He also offered his consolation to the people of Nicaragua, encouraging them to renew their hope in Jesus.

By Vatican News

After Sunday’s Angelus, Pope Francis expressed his solidarity with the thousands of people affected by monkeypox, which is now a global health emergency. He said he was praying for all those affected by the disease, especially in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where an outbreak is underway, a country that is “suffering enormously,” he said.

“I express my sympathy to the local Churches in the countries most affected by this disease and I encourage governments and private industries to share available technologies and treatments so that no one lacks adequate medical care.”

Prayers for Nicaragua

The Pope also addressed words of encouragement to the “beloved people of Nicaragua,” asking them to renew their hope in Jesus.

“Remember that the Holy Spirit always guides history toward higher projects. May the Immaculate Virgin protect you in times of trial and make you feel her maternal tenderness. May Our Lady accompany the beloved people of Nicaragua.”

Vatican news


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