The one lost sheep gives him more joy than the ninety-nine that did not stray
Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Tell me. Suppose a man has a hundred sheep and one of them strays; will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hillside and go in search of the stray? I tell you solemnly, if he finds it, it gives him more joy than do the ninety-nine that did not stray at all. Similarly, it is never the will of your Father in heaven that one of these little ones should be lost.’
Nothing has changed
In England, Wales and Scotland, the translation of the readings used at Mass has changed. Your current calendar setting is “Africa – Nigeria”, so you have not been affected by this change.
This message will disappear at the end of December.
The responsorial psalms at Mass cannot be displayed on the Web, for copyright reasons. The Universalis apps and programs do contain these psalms.
Christian Art
Each day, The Christian Art website gives a picture and reflection on the Gospel of the day.
The readings on this page are from the Jerusalem Bible, which is used at Mass in most of the English-speaking world. The New American Bible readings, which are used at Mass in the United States, are available in the Universalis apps, programs and downloads.
You can also view this page with the Gospel in Greek and English.
Get Universalis — and change your life! Readings at Mass Liturgical Colour: Green. Year: B(II). First reading Isaiah 50:5-9 I offered my back to those who struck me The Lord has opened my ear. For my part, I made no resistance, neither did I turn away. I offered my back to those who struck me,…
Get Universalis — and change your life! Readings at Mass Liturgical Colour: Green. Year: B(II). First reading 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 Neither the planter nor the waterer matters, only God, who makes things grow Brothers, I myself was unable to speak to you as people of the Spirit: I treated you as sensual men, still infants…
Get Universalis — and change your life! Readings at Mass Liturgical Colour: Red. Year: B(II). Readings for the feria Readings for the memorial These are the readings for the feria First reading Titus 2:1-8,11-14 You must preach the behaviour which goes with healthy doctrine It is for you to preach the behaviour which goes with…
Get Universalis — and change your life! Readings at Mass Liturgical Colour: Green. Year: B(II). First reading Wisdom 7:7-11 I esteemed Wisdom more than sceptres or thrones I prayed, and understanding was given me; I entreated, and the spirit of Wisdom came to me. I esteemed her more than sceptres and thrones; compared with her,…