Communion is the third sacrament of initiation in the Church. In it we are nourished and strengthened for our daily lives. We believe that Jesus Christ is fully present – Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. The bread and wine are not symbols, but signs of his Real Presence.

Although we normally receive Communion during Mass, if someone is homebound by illness, a Priest, Deacon or Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist will bring the Eucharist to that person. A simple phone call to Office at +2349090325331 can arrange it.

The Church asks two simple things from each of us in order to receive the Eucharist. First, we must be in a state of grace – free from all serious sin. Second, we must fast from all food and drink (other than water or medications) for one hour prior to receiving.

You may receive the Eucharist in the hand or on the tongue. It is appropriate to make a gesture of reverence prior to receiving the Eucharist, such as bowing the head. The priest, deacon, or Extraordinary Minister will say, “The Body of Christ,” and the correct response is “Amen.” When offered “The Blood of Christ”, the response is again “Amen.”

Preparation for First Communion takes place at Holy Spirit catholic church Onireke passing the Second Grade examination and is coordinated by our Religious Education office.