Sr. Mukari: Synodality will prove a ‘game-changer’ for women in Africa

Sr. Mukari: Synodality will prove a ‘game-changer’ for women in Africa

Vatican news Following the Synod on Synodality, Catholic nuns in Africa are expressing their hopes for a Church that more deeply values ​​and includes women, particularly in leadership and community roles. By Susan Nzomo For many nuns, the synodal process marks a long-overdue shift toward inclusion and shared responsibility. They believe the results of the…

Namibia: Religious sister founds first theological and spiritual training center

Namibia: Religious sister founds first theological and spiritual training center

Vatican news Religious vocations in Namibia are on the rise, creating an urgent need for adequate formation of sisters. Responding to this call, Sister Anne Arabome took the initiative to create the first theological and spiritual training center in Namibia to empower religious sisters in their vocation. By Sr. Michelle Njeri, OSF Continuing training in…

Bishop Faddoul: Maronite Church’s contribution to Synod on synodality

Bishop Faddoul: Maronite Church’s contribution to Synod on synodality

Vatican news As synodality begins to take root in the Church, the Maronite bishop of Central and West Africa explores how the Synod resonates with African culture. By Nour El Khoury – Beirut Bishop Simon Faddoul, of the Eparchy of the Annunciation, a Maronite diocese in Africa, highlighted the Synod for Synodality and the impact…

CERNA calls for ‘courageous humility’ to stop war in the Middle East

CERNA calls for ‘courageous humility’ to stop war in the Middle East

Vatican news Closing their ad limina visit and general assembly in Rome, the bishops of the Regional Episcopal Conference of North Africa (CERNA) issue a message calling on political leaders in the Middle East to demonstrate courage and humility to end to the spiral of violence in the country. region and urge other countries to…

Synod briefing – Day 16: Discernment on the final document

Synod briefing – Day 16: Discernment on the final document

The topics of the role of young people and women in the Church were among the major themes during the discussions of Synod participants on the final document of the Synod, which is to be approved at the end of the General Assembly on Saturday. Participating in Tuesday’s press conference were Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo Besungu,…

Bishop Faddoul: New Maronite Saints are ‘role models for all laymen’

Bishop Faddoul: New Maronite Saints are ‘role models for all laymen’

Vatican news As Pope Francis canonizes 14 new saints, including the 11 martyrs of Damascus, Bishop Simon Faddoul congratulates the three lay Maronites among them for having testified to their fidelity to Christ. By Devin Watkins “I think we are witnessing a marriage of holiness.” Mgr Simon Faddoul took stock of the canonization which took…

SECAM Day: Church in Africa called to bring Gospel to the world

SECAM Day: Church in Africa called to bring Gospel to the world

Vatican news As African bishops celebrate SECAM Day marking the fifty-fifth anniversary of its founding, Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo notes that the Church in Africa has made great strides in evangelizing the continent and underlines the synodal dimension of its mission in Africa and the world. By Lisa Zengarini July 29 marked an important anniversary for…

African faith leaders join pleas for Jubilee debt forgiveness

African faith leaders join pleas for Jubilee debt forgiveness

Vatican news African Christian and Muslim religious leaders issue joint statement to G20, G7, United Nations, IMF and World Bank calling for debt relief for Africa ahead of Jubilee of Hope in 2025. By Lisa Zengarini As the 2025 Jubilee Year approaches, African religious leaders are joining growing calls for a new round of debt…

Archbishop of Johannesburg: Every child has a right to know who they are

Archbishop of Johannesburg: Every child has a right to know who they are

Vatican news The Archbishop of Johannesburg reiterates the Church's commitment to responding to statelessness in the Southern African region. By Sr. Katleho Khang, SNJM In southern Africa, many poor and marginalized children are at risk of statelessness due to lack of birth certificate, legal identity and nationality. Many of those born in rural and isolated…

Holy See: Efforts to help Africa must support, not impose

Holy See: Efforts to help Africa must support, not impose

Addressing the Security Council's open debate on maintaining international peace and security, Archbishop Gabriele Caccia, permanent observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, suggests two ways to help strengthen the role of Africa to ensure its own security. Deborah Castellano Lubov Faced with a new wave of colonialism and continued exploitation, the international…