Philippine Catholic Church sets path for sainthood of lay catechist

Philippine Catholic Church sets path for sainthood of lay catechist

Vatican news The Catholic Church in the Philippines has officially begun the process of beatification of Laureana “Ka Luring” Franco, a revered lay catechist who dedicated her life to serving the poor and defending the faith. By LiCAS News The official procedure to begin the beatification process of Laureana “Ka Luring” Franco was inaugurated by…

French Bishops lament ‘scenes mocking Christianity’ at Olympic Ceremony

French Bishops lament ‘scenes mocking Christianity’ at Olympic Ceremony

Vatican news In a statement released the day after the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, the French Bishops’ Conference praised the “wonderful moments of beauty, joy and emotional richness” that took place, but expressed its thoughts “to Christians around the world who are hurt by the excesses and provocations of certain scenes.” By Jean-Benoît…

Indian bishops meet PM Modi to discuss attacks on Christians

Indian bishops meet PM Modi to discuss attacks on Christians

Vatican news A Church delegation led by Archbishop Andrews Thazhath meets with the newly re-elected Hindu nationalist prime minister to express the bishops’ concern over growing anti-Christian violence in the country. By Lisa Zengarini Catholic bishops in India have expressed concern over the growing hostility faced by Christians in the country. During a meeting with…