Lord's Day Reflection: 'Light of hope'
Vatican news Reflection on the Lord’s Day: “Light of hope” Vatican news sc
Vatican news Reflection on the Lord’s Day: “Light of hope” Vatican news sc
Vatican news As the Church celebrates the Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Father Edmund Power, OSB, offers his reflections on the day’s liturgical readings under the theme: “Christ Crucified: Heart of the Christian Message.” By Father Edmund Power, OSB In this year of grace 2024, the twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time falls on 15 September,…
Vatican news As the Church celebrates the thirteenth Sunday in ordinary time, Fr. Luc Grégoire, OFM, offers his reflections on the liturgical readings of the day under the theme: “My daughter, your faith has saved you”. By Father John Luke Gregory, OFM* Today, the Gospel story powerfully shows us the dramatic relationship between illness and…
Vatican news As the Church celebrates the twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Father Marion Nguyen, OSB, offers his reflections on the day's liturgical readings under the theme: “What the Storms Reveal.” By Father Marion Nguyen, OSB* After much teaching and ministry to the people, Jesus desired rest for his disciples and himself: “Let us pass…
Vatican news As the Church celebrates the eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Edmund Power, OSB, offers his reflections on the day's liturgical readings under the theme: “The Seed of a Fruitful Harvest.” By Fr. Edmund Power, OSB In this month of June in the northern hemisphere, we are heading step by step towards the…
Vatican news As the Church celebrates the tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jenny Kraska offers her reflections on the day's liturgical readings under the theme: “Kinship, Unity and Commemoration.” By Jenny Kraska This month marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day. June 6, 1944 constitutes a pivotal moment in history which marks the beginning of the…
Vatican news As the Church celebrates the solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, Father Marion Nguyen, OSB, offers his reflections on the liturgical readings of the day under the theme: “Transformed in the Holy Trinity”. By Fr. Marion Nguyen, OSB* Begin with the end in mind. This is the second of the seven habits of…
Vatican news As the Church celebrates the Fourth Sunday of Easter, Fr. Edmund Power, OSB, offers his reflections on the day's liturgical readings under the theme: “Pentecost and the Spirit of Truth.” By Fr. Edmund Power, OSB The fifty days of Easter culminate with the solemnity of Pentecost, a feast richly adorned with biblical readings,…
Vatican news Reflection on the Lord's Day: “Go and proclaim” Vatican news sc
Vatican news As the Church celebrates the Fourth Sunday of Easter, Fr Edmund Power, OSB, offers his reflections on the day's liturgical readings under the theme: “I am the Good Shepherd”. By Fr. Edmund Power, OSB The fourth Sunday of Easter is traditionally known as “Good Shepherd Sunday” because, for each of the three years…