Archbishop Gallagher: In a world cloaked in darkness, let’s be builders of peace

Archbishop Gallagher: In a world cloaked in darkness, let’s be builders of peace

The Vatican Secretary for Relations with States concludes his three-day visit to Croatia with a call to foster solidarity and be peacebuilders. By Adriana Masotti As part of his three-day visit to Croatia, the Vatican Secretary for Relations with States and International Organizations, Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher, presided over the mass on May 31 marking…

Archbishop Gallagher visits Croatia – Vatican News

Archbishop Gallagher visits Croatia – Vatican News

The Vatican Secretary for Relations with States is in Croatia for the feast of Our Lady of the Stone Gate. He is also scheduled to meet state authorities and give a lecture at the Croatian Catholic University. By Vatican News Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher, Vatican Secretary for Relations with States and International Organizations, began a…