African faith leaders join pleas for Jubilee debt forgiveness

African faith leaders join pleas for Jubilee debt forgiveness

Vatican news African Christian and Muslim religious leaders issue joint statement to G20, G7, United Nations, IMF and World Bank calling for debt relief for Africa ahead of Jubilee of Hope in 2025. By Lisa Zengarini As the 2025 Jubilee Year approaches, African religious leaders are joining growing calls for a new round of debt…

Holy See urges debt cancellation for small poor island nations

Holy See urges debt cancellation for small poor island nations

Addressing the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States in Antigua and Barbuda, Vatican representative Msgr. Robert Murphy calls on developed countries to cancel their debt to support their resilience and development in the face of climate and environmental crises. By Lisa Zengarini The Holy See has called for increased efforts by developed countries…

Holy See: ‘Birth control is not the key to sustainable development’

Holy See: ‘Birth control is not the key to sustainable development’

As the UN celebrates this year the thirtieth anniversary of the Cairo International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), Archbishop Gabriele Caccia reiterates that the promotion of birth control policies does not contribute to eradicating poverty in the world nor to promote sustainable development. By Lisa Zengarini Nearly thirty years have passed since the International…