Fernández: India’s Vailankanni Shrine reveals welcoming Mother, not syncretism

Fernández: India’s Vailankanni Shrine reveals welcoming Mother, not syncretism

The Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith sends a letter ahead of the feast of Our Lady of Health in Vailankanni, India, expressing the Pope’s appreciation for the shrine and highlighting the spiritual fruits enjoyed by pilgrims, including non-Christians. By Vatican News Millions of pilgrims faithfully visit the shrine of Our…

Elenita de Jesús: Important for Puerto Rican Church, but she is not the Virgin Mary

Elenita de Jesús: Important for Puerto Rican Church, but she is not the Virgin Mary

The prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has issued a definitive decision regarding the alleged supernatural events related to the shrine of the Holy Mountain in Puerto Rico. In the face of attempts to attribute to Elenita de Jesús the identity of Jesus or the Virgin, the judgment is “confirmation of…

Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith recognizes ‘Trinity Fount of Mercy’ messages

Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith recognizes ‘Trinity Fount of Mercy’ messages

The Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith sends a letter, approved by the Pope, to the Cardinal Bishop of Como granting the “nulla osta” regarding the spiritual experiences at the Shrine of Maccio. Vatican News The entry into force of the new Norms for the discernment of supposedly supernatural phenomena has…

Cardinal Parolin to Ukraine: ‘Nothing is impossible for God’

Cardinal Parolin to Ukraine: ‘Nothing is impossible for God’

During his visit to Ukraine, the Secretary of State of the Holy See, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, brings the message of closeness of Pope Francis and affirms that even when we lose hope, nothing is impossible for God. By Deborah Castellano Lubov Even though our hopes may be diminished, all things are possible with God who…

Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith issues ruling on Our Lady of the Rock

Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith issues ruling on Our Lady of the Rock

Based on the new norms on the alleged apparitions, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has published its decision on the spiritual fruits deriving from the alleged apparitions to Cosimo Fragomeni in Calabria. Vatican News “In the secularized world in which we live, in which so many people spend their lives without any…

DDF approves devotion to Our Lady Mystical Rose

DDF approves devotion to Our Lady Mystical Rose

On the basis of new norms, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) has expressed its positive opinion regarding the devotion to Our Lady of Montichiari in northern Italy. This approval is transmitted through a letter addressed to Archbishop Pierantonio Tremolada, with the approval of Pope Francis. Vatican News The Dicastery for the…

Cardinal Fernández: With new norms it will be easier to decide on Medjugorje

Cardinal Fernández: With new norms it will be easier to decide on Medjugorje

The Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith responds to journalists on the “Medjugorje case” during the press conference presenting the new standards for the discernment of alleged supernatural phenomena. By L'Osservatore Romano “Regarding Medjugorje, no conclusion has yet been reached, but with these guidelines we believe it will be easier to…

In May, Vatican to offer special Marian tour of Pope’s gardens

In May, Vatican to offer special Marian tour of Pope’s gardens

For the month of May dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the Vatican Museums offer every Wednesday and Saturday a visit to the Pope's gardens dedicated to Marian spirituality. By Paolo Ondarza “The only way to stop the war is through forgiveness!” The message of the Virgin Mary is both disturbing and clear. Throughout history, she…