‘Human Trafficking happens in plain sight’

‘Human Trafficking happens in plain sight’

Vatican news Vatican News speaks to prominent voices at the 2nd Talitha Kum General Assembly, marking 15 years of commitment to human trafficking with a pledge to strengthen global efforts to combat the plague and support survivors. Deborah Castellano Lubov More than 200 Talitha Kum delegates representing member networks located in 90 countries are gathering…

Nigerian nun organizes Yak Iyamma Team to fight human trafficking

Nigerian nun organizes Yak Iyamma Team to fight human trafficking

Vatican news Human trafficking has been a cruel reality in Nigeria since the 1980s, and is unfortunately still present. In response to a call by Nigeria's bishops and major superiors to join the fight against human trafficking, Sister Anthonia M. Essien, HHCJ, and her team launched awareness programs in rural villages in Akwa Ibom State….

Faith in action: Church’s compassionate aid for migrants in Spain

Faith in action: Church’s compassionate aid for migrants in Spain

Vatican news Catholic-inspired organizations are implementing a series of social programs in Ceuta and Algeciras, assisting those arriving from Africa to enter Europe. One of the greatest challenges is the fight against human trafficking which exposes women to forced prostitution. By Felipe Herrera-Espaliat, Special Correspondent in Ceuta and Algeciras Ceuta is a Spanish city, but…

New Vatican document lists ‘grave violations’ of human dignity

New Vatican document lists ‘grave violations’ of human dignity

The new document of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, “Dignitas infinita”, lasted five years and builds on the papal magisterium of the last decade: from war to poverty, from violence against migrants to violence against women, from abortion to surrogacy. to euthanasia, from gender theory to digital violence. By Andrea Tornielli Three…