Patriarchate of Jerusalem supporting Christians affected by war

Patriarchate of Jerusalem supporting Christians affected by war

Vatican news The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem has released a video clip presenting the various initiatives it has undertaken since October 7, with the support of the universal Church, to help the many Palestinian Christian families affected by the war in the Holy Land. By Lisa Zengarini As the war between Israel and Hamas continues…

Pope calls for prayers for humanitarians risking their lives

Pope calls for prayers for humanitarians risking their lives

Vatican news On the occasion of World Humanitarian Day, Pope Francis calls for prayers for humanitarian workers who demonstrate fraternity while risking their lives to help others. By Lisa Zengarini As the international community marks World Humanitarian Day (WHD) on August 19, Pope Francis has invited everyone to pray for humanitarian workers, “especially those who…

Cardinal Souraphiel: the Church is close to the people suffering in Ethiopia

Cardinal Souraphiel: the Church is close to the people suffering in Ethiopia

Vatican news The Metropolitan Catholic Archbishop of Addis Ababa speaks to Vatican News about the ad limina visit of Ethiopian Catholic bishops to Rome and says Pope Francis encouraged them to continue to be close to the people suffering from the ongoing war in that country. By Michele Raviart and Lisa Zengarini The Ethiopian bishops…

Sudan’s bishops lament ‘immense suffering’ due to war

Sudan’s bishops lament ‘immense suffering’ due to war

Vatican news In a statement issued after the meeting of the Sudan Catholic Bishops Conference (SCBC), the bishops sounded the alarm over “the incredulous level of violence and hatred” tearing at the fabric of Sudanese society. By Linda Bordoni Pope Francis is urging world leaders to seek peace between warring parties in Sudan, as aid…

Cardinal Pizzaballa: We stand by those working for good in this dark night

Cardinal Pizzaballa: We stand by those working for good in this dark night

Vatican news The Latin Patriarch Cardinal of Jerusalem speaks of the critical period the Holy Land is going through and the difficulty of finding solutions. By Andrea Tornielli “The moment is very painful, we are experiencing a very long night. But we also know that the nights are ending. This is the moment when the…

Ethiopian Bishop: Prayer and justice can heal our social divisions

Ethiopian Bishop: Prayer and justice can heal our social divisions

Vatican news An Ethiopian bishop is urging religious leaders to act as mediators to heal the African nation's political and social divisions. By Devin Watkins “Religious institutions and the government have the responsibility to lead young people on the right path of development and not into war. » Mgr Teshome Fikre Woldetensae, coadjutor bishop of…

WCC condemns killing of seven WCK aid workers in Gaza

WCC condemns killing of seven WCK aid workers in Gaza

Vatican news The general secretary of the World Council of Churches joins in its strong condemnation of the killing of seven World Central Kitchen aid workers who were bringing desperately needed food to Gaza. By Lisa Zengarini The World Council of Churches (WCC) has joined the international outcry over the recent killing of seven people…