‘84% of young people concerned climate crisis will endanger future’

‘84% of young people concerned climate crisis will endanger future’

Vatican news On the eve of COP 29 in Azerbaijan, speakers at the high-level event on energy conversion organized by the Embassy of the Sovereign Order of Malta to the Holy See explain to Vatican News how this transition can generate new professions capable of concretely combating the phenomenon that concerns young people around the…

Cardinal Goh: Pope Francis was ‘ambassador of Christ’s love’ for Singapore

Cardinal Goh: Pope Francis was ‘ambassador of Christ’s love’ for Singapore

Vatican news Cardinal William Goh expresses his appreciation for the closeness and care that Pope Francis showed the people of Singapore, and invites the universal Church to learn from the experiential faith of Asian Catholics. By Claudia Torres – Singapore “The Pope’s key messages are always about building harmony in the world, being inclusive, and…

‘Pope Francis’ love for the people of PNG will cement them in faith’

‘Pope Francis’ love for the people of PNG will cement them in faith’

Vatican news An Australian couple attending Pope Francis’ Mass in Port Moresby tell Vatican News how much the Holy Father loves the people of Papua New Guinea and how his presence will strengthen the faith of the nation’s faithful, who are moved that he has travelled so far to be with them. By Linda Bordoni…

Caritas Sister: Young Papuans will someday lead PNG’s development

Caritas Sister: Young Papuans will someday lead PNG’s development

Vatican news On the sidelines of Pope Francis’ visit to schoolchildren in Port Moresby, Sister Florentina Cho expressed confidence in the younger generations, saying her religious congregation seeks to shape them into responsible citizens and future leaders of Papua New Guinea. By Claudia Torres – Port Moresby Sister Florentina Cho has been a missionary in…

Archbishop Comensoli: ‘Asia is the future of the Church’

Archbishop Comensoli: ‘Asia is the future of the Church’

Vatican news Australian Archbishop of Melbourne Peter Andrew Comensoli told Vatican News that Asia was the future of the Church, adding that Australians were closely following the Holy Father’s apostolic trip to the region. By Linda Bordoni and Deborah Castellano Lubov Archbishop Peter Comensoli of Melbourne, Australia, spoke to Linda Bordoni of Vatican News at…

The Indonesian Church living the faith in a very diverse nation

The Indonesian Church living the faith in a very diverse nation

Vatican news Alors que le pape François effectue une visite apostolique en Indonésie, nous examinons de plus près les défis uniques auxquels l’Église catholique est confrontée dans cette nation dynamique et diversifiée. Par Linda Bordoni L’Indonésie, un archipel d’Asie du Sud-Est dont les racines historiques dans l’évangélisation remontent au XVIe siècle, présente une réalité catholique…

Siblings describe comfort found in faith after losing father in Beirut Port explosion

Siblings describe comfort found in faith after losing father in Beirut Port explosion

Following Pope Francis’ audience with the families of those killed in the 2020 Beirut port explosion, Elie and Tatiana Hasrouty, who lost their father in the deadly blast, discuss the solace they have found in faith and how to work together for peace in Lebanon. By Deborah Castellano Lubov “We are not alone and we…

Prof. Beccalli: Sacred Heart University aims for holistic education

Prof. Beccalli: Sacred Heart University aims for holistic education

Vatican news After an audience with Pope Francis, Elena Beccalli, rector of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, said the Italian university seeks to offer “a place of encounter and dialogue between different cultures,” while carrying out projects in developing countries. By Tiziana Campisi A “very cordial and promising” meeting, is how Elena Beccalli,…

Pope Francis offers message of hope for the Chinese people

Pope Francis offers message of hope for the Chinese people

Vatican news In an interview with the Chinese Province of the Society of Jesus, Pope Francis said that China is a “great people” who “must not waste their heritage” and reiterated his desire to make an apostolic journey to the country. By Isabella Piro The heart of the interview granted by Pope Francis to Father…

Archbishop Paglia confirms Church’s opposition to euthanasia, assisted suicide

Archbishop Paglia confirms Church’s opposition to euthanasia, assisted suicide

The President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, reaffirms the Church’s opposition to euthanasia and assisted suicide, in response to media reports on the “Small Glossary on the End of Life.” By Salvatore Cernuzio The Church is absolutely opposed to assisted suicide and euthanasia and defends the right to life of every…