Vatican reveals theme for 2025 World Day of Peace

Vatican reveals theme for 2025 World Day of Peace

“Forgive us our trespasses, grant us your peace” is the theme chosen by Pope Francis for next year’s “World Day of Peace”. By Christopher Wells “Only from a true conversion at all levels – personal, local and international – can true peace flourish,” the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Development affirms in its statement on the…

Vatican issues clarification on Holy Doors during 2025 Jubilee

Vatican issues clarification on Holy Doors during 2025 Jubilee

The Vatican’s Dicastery for Evangelization has issued a note of clarification regarding the 2025 Jubilee, specifying that the Holy Doors will only be opened in the four papal basilicas in Rome and in one prison. By Deborah Castellano Lubov As the next Ordinary Jubilee in 2025 approaches, Pope Francis, in his speech Bull of Indictiontitled…

African faith leaders join pleas for Jubilee debt forgiveness

African faith leaders join pleas for Jubilee debt forgiveness

Vatican news African Christian and Muslim religious leaders issue joint statement to G20, G7, United Nations, IMF and World Bank calling for debt relief for Africa ahead of Jubilee of Hope in 2025. By Lisa Zengarini As the 2025 Jubilee Year approaches, African religious leaders are joining growing calls for a new round of debt…

‘From Tourist to Pilgrim’: Let yourself be transformed!

‘From Tourist to Pilgrim’: Let yourself be transformed!

As we prepare to experience and celebrate the Jubilee Year 2025, Vatican Media presents a 16-episode podcast series titled “From Tourist to Pilgrim” featuring art historian Liz Lev, who sheds light the hidden beauty of Rome through the prism of pilgrimage. By Linda Bordoni “From Tourist to Pilgrim” is a Vatican Media podcast series featuring…

Pope: May Rome be its most welcoming, hospitable, and generous during Jubilee

Pope: May Rome be its most welcoming, hospitable, and generous during Jubilee

Vatican news Pope Francis addresses Rome's mayor and city administration as it prepares to host the 2025 Jubilee. Underscoring how the spirit of the Jubilee is one of inclusion of the least in society, he announces that he will open a holy door in a prison. By Linda Bordoni During a ceremony in St. Peter's…

‘A Jubilee grace’: Vatican announces Holy Year Indulgence

‘A Jubilee grace’: Vatican announces Holy Year Indulgence

Following the solemn indiction of Jubilee 2025 by Pope Francis last week, the Apostolic Penitentiary has issued a decree which specifies the details of the indulgences that will be granted during the Holy Year. By Christopher Wells The Catholic faithful will have several ways to obtain the jubilee indulgence for the Holy Year 2025, according…