Pope prays for storm victims in central and eastern Europe

Pope prays for storm victims in central and eastern Europe

Vatican news Pope Francis prays for the victims of storms and floods in Central and Eastern Europe, and assures of his closeness to all those affected. By Christopher Wells Pope Francis assured the victims of Storm Boris of his closeness, saying at the weekly general audience that he was praying especially for those who lost…

Church volunteers race to clear mud in wake of northern Thailand

Church volunteers race to clear mud in wake of northern Thailand

Vatican news Following recent flooding in northern Thailand, the Bishop of Chiang Rai and hundreds of volunteers are working to clear thick mud from churches and homes. By Chainarong Monthienvichienchai – Thailand, LiCAS News In northern Thailand, the bishop of Chiang Rai and his parishioners, along with hundreds of hill tribe volunteers, are racing against…

Pope prays for victims of floods in Asia, renews calls for peace

Pope prays for victims of floods in Asia, renews calls for peace

Vatican news After Sunday’s Angelus, Pope Francis prayed for flood victims in Vietnam and Myanmar, noted the beatification of Father Moises Lira Serafin, remembered those affected by ALS and issued a renewed appeal for world peace. By Christopher Wells In his reflections on Sunday’s Gospel, Pope Francis reminds us that it is important to know…

Pope prays for victims of Ethiopia landslides, recalls war always a defeat

Pope prays for victims of Ethiopia landslides, recalls war always a defeat

Vatican news Pope Francis prays for the victims of the landslides in Ethiopia. He deplores that, while calamities and hunger continue to rage throughout the world, the manufacture and sale of weapons fuel wars and human suffering. He also recalls the World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly, celebrated today, and calls on everyone to…

Last priest to have been in Afghanistan: Pope’s appeal helps a ‘forgotten’ people

Last priest to have been in Afghanistan: Pope’s appeal helps a ‘forgotten’ people

Vatican news Vatican News speaks with former superior of the Missio sui iuris, the last priest to be in Afghanistan, Fr. Giovanni Scalese, about Pope Francis' appeal on behalf of those who suffer and are killed by massive flooding, and suggests this is helping to break a “wall of silence” that has until now left…

West Sumatra Bishop: Climate change provoked natural calamity

West Sumatra Bishop: Climate change provoked natural calamity

Vatican news In an interview with Vatican News, Vitus Rubianto Solichin, Bishop of Padang, Indonesia, West Sumatra, discusses the tragic floods that hit the region, attributing them and other natural calamities to climate change, and explains difficulties encountered in providing assistance. Deborah Castellano Lubov Flash floods and mudslides in Indonesia's West Sumatra province have killed…

Pope calls Brazilian Archbishop in solidarity for floods

Pope calls Brazilian Archbishop in solidarity for floods

Vatican news Pope Francis telephones the archbishop of flood-hit Porto Alegre, Brazil, to express solidarity and closeness with those affected by the disaster in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, where at least 137 people are dead and more than 600,000 people displaced. By Vatican News In Brazil, rains forced thousands of people from…

Pope asks for prayers for those affected by flooding in Kazakhstan

Pope asks for prayers for those affected by flooding in Kazakhstan

Vatican news During his general audience, Pope Francis asked for prayers for those affected by massive flooding in Kazakhstan, which has affected many parts of the Central Asian country and forced thousands to evacuate. He also asks for prayers for those suffering from conflicts in the Holy Land, Ukraine and Myanmar. By Deborah Castellano Lubov…