Synod leaders present details of October General Assembly

Synod leaders present details of October General Assembly

Cardinals Grech and Hollerich, along with Father Costa and Bishop Battocchio, presented details of the October Synod General Assembly at a briefing at the Vatican hosted by the prefect of the dicastery for communication. The pope will preside over a penitential celebration with testimonies from victims of abuse, war and indifference toward migrants. Notable new…

Ruffini: ‘We need a communication based on humanity not algorithms’

Ruffini: ‘We need a communication based on humanity not algorithms’

In a video message to the Second Assembly of the Ecclesial Conference of the Amazon (CEAMA), which concludes today in Manaus, Brazil, the Prefect of the Vatican Dicastery reaffirms the need for human-centered communication, based on the “wisdom of the heart” and not on algorithms. Vatican News The key to rediscovering “the path to fully…

Vatican conference on building a network of “cities of refuge”

Vatican conference on building a network of “cities of refuge”

The Pontifical Academy of Sciences hosts a conference focused on the transformative potential of art, which begins with the Pope's call to establish a network of “cities of refuge” and the inauguration of the photo exhibition ” Changes.” By Béatrice Guarrera From the pride of a leader of an indigenous community in the Brazilian Amazon…