Pope: May the apostolic zeal of Blessed Fr. Moisés encourage priests

Pope: May the apostolic zeal of Blessed Fr. Moisés encourage priests

During the Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis celebrates the life and testimony of Blessed Father Moisés Lira Serafin, beatified the day before at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, during a Mass celebrated by Cardinal Semeraro, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints. By Alessandro Di Bussolo Remembering Blessed Father…

Pope to Theatines: Embrace renewal, communion, and service

Pope to Theatines: Embrace renewal, communion, and service

Vatican news Pope Francis encourages the Theatines Regular to joyfully embrace the paths of renewal, communion and service as they celebrate the anniversary of the solemn profession of their founder, St. Cajetan, and his first companions. By Christopher Wells When Gaetano da Thiene, known as Saint Cajetan, and the early Theatines took their first solemn…

Pope Francis offers message of hope for the Chinese people

Pope Francis offers message of hope for the Chinese people

Vatican news In an interview with the Chinese Province of the Society of Jesus, Pope Francis said that China is a “great people” who “must not waste their heritage” and reiterated his desire to make an apostolic journey to the country. By Isabella Piro The heart of the interview granted by Pope Francis to Father…

Nigerian nun organizes Yak Iyamma Team to fight human trafficking

Nigerian nun organizes Yak Iyamma Team to fight human trafficking

Vatican news Human trafficking has been a cruel reality in Nigeria since the 1980s, and is unfortunately still present. In response to a call by Nigeria's bishops and major superiors to join the fight against human trafficking, Sister Anthonia M. Essien, HHCJ, and her team launched awareness programs in rural villages in Akwa Ibom State….

Cameroon: Sisters’ hospital is a point of reference for 95,000 people

Cameroon: Sisters’ hospital is a point of reference for 95,000 people

Vatican news A health facility managed by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Jeanne Antide Thouret, in the heart of Cameroon, provides care to people suffering from malaria, malnutrition and tuberculosis. By Francesca Sabatinelli – Ngaoundal “Real poverty in this country is often due to parental ignorance. » This is what nurses and doctors murmur…

India: Religious superiors explore ‘heartbeat of the Church’

India: Religious superiors explore ‘heartbeat of the Church’

Vatican news More than 100 superiors of Catholic religious institutions are meeting in Kerala to explore ways to lead their congregations and better serve the Church in India. By Don Jinu Jacob The editors of L'Osservatore Romano in India recently organized an intensive program at the Sengulam eco-spirituality center near Munnar in the district of…