Pope to University of Bethlehem: ‘Safeguard your precious gift of faith’

Pope to University of Bethlehem: ‘Safeguard your precious gift of faith’

Vatican news In an Advent message recently sent to students at Bethlehem University, the Holy Father calls them to entrust everything to Jesus and to always safeguard their “precious gift of faith.” Deborah Castellano Lubov Safeguarding the gift of faith and entrusting everything to Jesus in prayer, these are the two recommendations that Pope Francis…

Promoting peace: Thai youth go the “Ektra” mile for religious harmony

Promoting peace: Thai youth go the “Ektra” mile for religious harmony

Vatican news More than 200 students from more than 40 Thai schools are gathering at Sarasas Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology in Bangkok to present creative solutions to foster interfaith harmony. By Peter Monthienvichienchai, LiCAS News The event, titled “Extra Peace: Project Pitch Competition” and held on November 30, featured ideas from 10 finalists from more…

Catholic University in Erbil empowers survivors of ISIS

Catholic University in Erbil empowers survivors of ISIS

Vatican news Founded in 2015, Erbil Catholic University, located in the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq, provides education, scholarships and support to Iraqi minority groups who suffered under ISIS. By Joseph Tulloch In 2014, the so-called Islamic State invaded northern Iraq, seizing large swaths of territory. The invasion led to massive displacement, including of minority…

A new Coordination Council for the Lateran University

A new Coordination Council for the Lateran University

Pope University presents the newly created body, composed of many lay members. This change is part of the University’s Statutes and will be implemented to accelerate its development and its historic vocation as a place of meeting and dialogue. By Benedetta Capelli “A Council that would take even more control over the future of the…

Uniservitate projects helping refugees with skills and integration

Uniservitate projects helping refugees with skills and integration

Vatican news On the sidelines of the Unservitate Global Symposium, a Catholic higher education expert from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and collaborator on one of Uniservitate’s award-winning projects tells Vatican News how the projects are helping children refugees and university students from around the world. . Deborah Castellano Lubov “One of our…

Synod leaders address challenging questions from university students

Synod leaders address challenging questions from university students

Students from across the United States gather in Rome to engage in conversation with leaders of the Synod Secretariat. By Linda Bordoni Some 140 university students, primarily from North America, gathered Friday evening in the Paul VI Hall to engage directly with leaders of the Synod Secretariat. The event, titled “University Students in Dialogue with…

Holy Land: Education as a crucial tool of hope in the darkest of times

Holy Land: Education as a crucial tool of hope in the darkest of times

Vatican news As Israeli bombs continue to hit schools in the Gaza Strip, the director general of Latin Patriarchate schools in Palestine and secretary general of Christian schools in the region, speaks about the effects of the ongoing war on students and its commitment to teaching peacemaking and conflict resolution through dialogue. By Olivier Bonnel…

Vatican Museums: Learning to care for creation through play

Vatican Museums: Learning to care for creation through play

An original and captivating tour is now available for families with children, offering a pleasant two-hour experience in the magnificent natural setting of the Pope’s Gardens. This initiative, entitled “Capture Nature”, is a new addition to the Vatican Museums’ family activities, promoting the appreciation of nature, art and the protection of creation. By Paolo Ondarza…

India: Religious sister teaching theology from the peripheries

India: Religious sister teaching theology from the peripheries

Vatican news Sister Shalini Mulackal, a professor at Vidyajyoti College of Theology, shares her experience of teaching contextual theology, taking her students into the slums of the Indian city of Delhi to engage them more deeply in promoting the cause of the poor. By Sister Greta Pereira, OCV Sister Shalini Mulackal has been a professor…