Pope’s May Prayer Intention: For the formation of men and women religious

Pope’s May Prayer Intention: For the formation of men and women religious

Vatican news Pope Francis publishes his prayer intention for the month of May: For the formation of religious men and women and seminarians. In his video message, the Pope highlights the continued development of their vocations through grace, prayer, community and witness to the Gospel. By Francesca Merlo Next May, Pope Francis invited us to…

Pope: Confession offers ‘unique moment of grace and God’s forgiveness’

Pope: Confession offers ‘unique moment of grace and God’s forgiveness’

Vatican news Pope Francis meets future priests at an annual internal forum course and invites them to administer the sacrament of reconciliation with an emphasis on “the gentleness of God’s love.” By Devin Watkins “May this year of preparation for the Jubilee see the mercy of the Father flourish in many hearts and places, and…