Caritas Sister: Young Papuans will someday lead PNG’s development

Caritas Sister: Young Papuans will someday lead PNG’s development

Vatican news On the sidelines of Pope Francis’ visit to schoolchildren in Port Moresby, Sister Florentina Cho expressed confidence in the younger generations, saying her religious congregation seeks to shape them into responsible citizens and future leaders of Papua New Guinea. By Claudia Torres – Port Moresby Sister Florentina Cho has been a missionary in…

India: Religious sister teaching theology from the peripheries

India: Religious sister teaching theology from the peripheries

Vatican news Sister Shalini Mulackal, a professor at Vidyajyoti College of Theology, shares her experience of teaching contextual theology, taking her students into the slums of the Indian city of Delhi to engage them more deeply in promoting the cause of the poor. By Sister Greta Pereira, OCV Sister Shalini Mulackal has been a professor…

Kenya: Communication network empowers Sisters, promotes evangelization

Kenya: Communication network empowers Sisters, promotes evangelization

Vatican news Catholic Sisters in Kenya launch the Catholic Sisters Communications Network (CNCS). Director, Sr Michelle Njeri OSF, reveals: “Our vision is to be a vibrant network of empowered Catholic sisters, evangelizing through stories of social transformation. By Sr. Christine Masivo Cps In a groundbreaking initiative, Catholic Sisters in Kenya, under the umbrella of the…

Lebanon: Sr. Wakim on importance of highly-educated religious sisters

Lebanon: Sr. Wakim on importance of highly-educated religious sisters

Vatican news As a nun teaching at Catholic universities in Lebanon, Sister Suzanne Wakim has found that many people of different faiths enjoy attending her lectures on Christ in philosophy. By Fr. Paweł Rytel-Andrianik & Tomasz Zielenkiewicz Sister Suzanne Wakim is one of many nuns who teach at Catholic universities in Lebanon. She teaches philosophy…

‘Sr. Claire’ centre offers hope to children with intellectual disabilities

‘Sr. Claire’ centre offers hope to children with intellectual disabilities

Vatican news “In certain ethnic groups in sub-Saharan Africa, people with intellectual disabilities are often marginalized,” explains Sister Claudia Samba, FCSM who worked for eight years with children with intellectual disabilities in Senegal and Mauritania, at school “Sr Claire.” Center in Rosso. By Sr Marie Pépine Matendakama, FSCM “The category of intellectually disabled children is…