Vatican approves devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows of Chandavila, Spain

Vatican approves devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows of Chandavila, Spain

The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith gives its consent to the “nihil obstat” proposed by the Archbishop of Mérida-Badajoz regarding the devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows at the sanctuary of Chandavila, in Spain, when two young girls allegedly had spiritual visions towards the end of World War II. By Vatican News The…

Faith in action: Church’s compassionate aid for migrants in Spain

Faith in action: Church’s compassionate aid for migrants in Spain

Vatican news Catholic-inspired organizations are implementing a series of social programs in Ceuta and Algeciras, assisting those arriving from Africa to enter Europe. One of the greatest challenges is the fight against human trafficking which exposes women to forced prostitution. By Felipe Herrera-Espaliat, Special Correspondent in Ceuta and Algeciras Ceuta is a Spanish city, but…

Pope to Spanish seminarians: ‘Fill your emptied land with God’

Pope to Spanish seminarians: ‘Fill your emptied land with God’

Vatican news Pope Francis meets with the seminary community of Burgos, Spain, and urges them to fill Spain's depopulated rural areas with God by freeing themselves from “false human security.” By Lisa Zengarini Pope Francis has encouraged a group of seminarians, priests and bishops in Spain to take on the challenge of bringing God to…