‘May Easter give us courage to choose peace and fraternity in South Sudan’

‘May Easter give us courage to choose peace and fraternity in South Sudan’

Vatican news South Sudan experiences extreme poverty, but Mgr. Christian Carlassare, Bishop of Rumbek, notes that the population shows great solidarity, explaining that “the Pope's visit has brought countless fruits” and expressing the hope that Easter “can free everyone from pessimism and fear.” By Massimiliano Menichetti Images of Palm Sunday in Rumbek went around the…

Pope Francis writing meditations for Good Friday Way of the Cross

Pope Francis writing meditations for Good Friday Way of the Cross

Vatican news This year, Pope Francis will write his own Via Crucis meditations for the Stations of the Cross this Good Friday at Rome's iconic Colosseum, the Vatican announces. Deborah Castellano Lubov Each year, for the annual tradition of the Via Crucis, presided over by Pope Francis at the Colosseum in Rome on the evening…